Cheat Sheets for NaNoWriMo (November Writing Prompts)

Don’t get stuck with the week 2 blues. With this free NaNoWriMo download, you’ll have the perfect writing prompts by your side to fight off writer’s block!

Challenging yourself to write 50,000 words during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) should be applauded—after all, that's more than 1,600 a day! Some days are easy while others days are hard. And some days are just downright impossible thanks to that pesky arch nemesis of writing—writer's block. How are you expected to write a novel in a month or crank out 1,600 words a day when your mind is stuck? That's why we're here to help.

In this free Writer's Digest download, November Writing Prompts, you get 10 great novel writing prompts designed to help spark your creativity and bust through writer's block at any moment throughout November (or any month, really). While any of these prompts could work as stand-alone stories, they could also serve as scenes in your novel. In fact, feel free to modify them any way your want to fit your story! Best of all, this exceptional guide is free to download!

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NaNoWriMo Tips: Story Starter Examples

Sometimes we all need a little help writing a book. We hope this freebie filled with clever writing prompts can get you closer toward your writing goals. Here are a couple of examples of what you'll find in this free download:

Your New Home

Your spouse wants to move out of your new apartment, saying that there is a large space you both can move into. When you go to visit the new digs, you find it's an abandoned warehouse at an old train yard. Clearly you can't live there. Only your spouse just spent your lifesavings to buy it. What do you say?

The Living Doll

While shopping downtown one day, you find an antiques store that has a rare, old doll. You buy it for your daughter. A few days later she tells you her new toy can talk. You don't believe her, until one afternoon you find yourself alone in the house, and it starts talking to you. Write this scene.

Don't get left in the writing cold this November. Novel writing month is meant to be fun, not infuriating, so download these story starters today to help you break out of your slump and get your word count up.

Download All 10 Free November Writing Prompts Today!

So whether your attempting to write a novel in a month, or would like help writing any time of the year (because, let's face it, not everyone can dedicate 30 straight days to writing), this free download will help you overcome writer's block. Get unstuck with these great prompts today during our celebrations of national write a novel month.