Horror Writing Competition

We’re looking for a few spine-tingling horror stories! Think you are up to the challenge? Enter the Writer’s Digest Popular Fiction Awards Horror Writing Category for your chance to win…

We're looking for a few spine-tingling horror stories! Think you are up to the challenge? Enter the Writer's Digest Popular Fiction Awards Horror Writing Category for your chance to win cash and get featured in Writer's Digest magazine

Wondering what's in it for you?

  • A chance to win the Popular Fiction Awards Grand Prize including $2,500 and a trip to the 2014 Writer's Digest Conference in New York City.
  • A chance to win the $500 Category First Prize
  • Get your horror story promoted in Writer's Digest and on WritersDigest.com
  • Win $100 off a purchase at www.writersdigestshop.com
  • Receive a copy of the 2014 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market

Submission Guidelines:

  • Fiction Manuscript
  • 4,000 words or less
  • Acceptable file types: doc, docx, rtf, pdf
  • 8.5x11 page size | Double-spaced throughout
  • 1-inch margins on top and bottom | 1.25-inch margins on left and right sides
  • Arial, Courier or Times font | 12 point font size

How to enter: register and pay online or download a printable entry form. (Early-Bird Entry fees are $20 per entry. Regular entry fees are $25 per entry.)

Early-Bird Deadline: September 16, 2013

Deadline:October 15, 2013-CLOSED

One First Place Category Winner will receive:

Honorable Mentions will:

  • Have their horror stories promoted on WritersDigest.com
  • Receive a copy of the 2014 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market

Early-Bird Deadline: September 16, 2013

Deadline:October 15, 2013

Be sure to check out more writing contests sponsored by Writer’s Digest.

Contest Software provided by WizeHive