Find More Success With Your Poetry For 40% Less!

I prefer not to spend an entire post on what’s for sale at the Writer’s Digest Shop unless there’s a super deal, but there happens to be a super deal…

I prefer not to spend an entire post on what's for sale at the Writer's Digest Shop unless there's a super deal, but there happens to be a super deal happening today through Sunday (or June 3-7, 2015). How super? 40% off books, tutorials, and OnDemand webinars super!

People in the know call it the Friends & Family Summer Savings discount, but I just call it the "saving a lot of money on stuff I wanted to buy anyway" discount. Either way, you're saving 40%, right?

So, I want to share some of the cool ways poets could take advantage of this offer, and I thought I'd focus on our super fun and educational Poetry Tutorial series. You can pick one of the tutorials listed below, mix and match, or just--why not--take 'em all!

Let's start with the Creating Poetry: How to Self-Prompt Poems tutorial. It's a 47-minute tutorial that teaches poets how to self-generate poetry prompts and ultimately poems, making the days of writer's block a thing of the past. Retail price: $29.99, but with discount: $17.99!

If you're fine on creating poems, maybe you'd be interested in the Re-Creating Poetry: How to Revise Poems tutorial. This 48-minute tutorial provides tips and strategies for pushing a poem beyond the first draft, which is sometimes a super hard thing to do, by making it an extension of the initial creative process. Retail price: $29.99, but with discount: $17.99!

Or maybe you know how to handle the poems, but you're not so sure how to connect with an audience. Enter the Build an Audience for Your Poetry tutorial. With this 60-minute video, poets will learn the tools needed to cultivate a readership and strategies for implementing them. Retail price: $39.99, but with discount: $23.99!

These three poetry tutorials together would form a pretty sweet poetry kit. Combined they retail for $99.97; but with this great discount, you can have them for $59.98!

Here's an important step in the process: When you get ready to check out, make sure you enter this promo code: FFSUMMER40

Your savings will not appear until after you enter and apply the code--so like I said, an important step!

French Poetic Forms

OK, I could quit with the tutorials above, but I also recorded a series of tutorials that cover poetic forms. The great thing about poetic forms is that they help guide poems in strange, new directions. I'll just list these tutorials below:

If you were to bundle these four poetic form tutorials into one package, it would retail for $119.96, but you can get all four with the discount code for $71.98!

Or heck, get the three above and four below (all seven poetry-related tutorials), which usually retails for $219.93 for a combined $131.96!

Two important points:

  1. This deal only lasts June 3-7, 2015. It's a limited time, so jump on it now!
  2. Remember to use the promo code: FFSUMMER40

Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Editor of Writer's Digest, which includes managing the content on and programming virtual conferences. He's the author of 40 Plot Twist Prompts for Writers: Writing Ideas for Bending Stories in New Directions, The Complete Guide of Poetic Forms: 100+ Poetic Form Definitions and Examples for Poets, Poem-a-Day: 365 Poetry Writing Prompts for a Year of Poeming, and more. Also, he's the editor of Writer's Market, Poet's Market, and Guide to Literary Agents. Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer.