Where to Find Writing Grants

Start your search small and local by investigating grant opportunities in your own town, region and state. Peruse the websites of your town’s art council and your state’s arts commission….

Start your search small and local by investigating grant opportunities in your own town, region and state. Peruse the websites of your town’s art council and your state’s arts commission. To help guide your efforts, visit the website of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (nasaa-arts.org), which provides links to arts agencies in all 50 states and a range of helpful publications.

The New York Foundation for the Arts’ Source (nyfasource.org) is an online national directory of awards for all types of artists. The Source lists about 1,000 opportunities for literary artists nationwide, including residencies, fellowships, professional development grants and so on. This list is updated daily, and access is free.

Mira Bartók’s blog for artists, writers and composers (miraslist.blogspot.com) includes information, resources and deadlines for grants, fellowships and international residencies (along with encouraging posts).

C. Hope Clark offers a comprehensive monthly Funds for Writers e-newsletter (fundsforwriters.com) for $15 per year that lists contests, awards, grants and fellowships.

PEN American Center (pen.org) offers a comprehensive directory for writers with its Grants and Awards Database, which comprises more than 1,000 grants, fellowships, scholarships and residencies for writers. Subscriptions are available for $12 per year.

Nonprofit literary organization Poets & Writers (pw.org) lists grants, awards and competitions.

The Foundation Center website (foundationcenter.org/getstarted/individuals) offers a comprehensive database for individual grant seekers. For a fee, you can subscribe for a month or more. See if your local library has a subscription you can use for free.

This article was written by Gigi Rosenberg.

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The Only Writing Series You’ll Ever Need: Grant Writing

Brian A. Klems is the former Senior Online Editor of Writer’s Digest, and author of Oh Boy, You’re Having a Girl (Adams Media/Simon & Schuster). Follow him on Twitter @BrianKlems.