The Writing Prompt Boot Camp (Free Download)
In this free download from Writers Digest, you get two weeks worth of top-notch fiction writing prompts, poem starters, short stories ideas and more!
Free Writing Prompt Exercises: Two Weeks of Craft, Creativity and Discipline
At one time or another, most of us suffer from writer’s block and have a terrible time coming up with story ideas. We stare at a blank page, unable to come up with clever story starters or generate ideas for stories to write. In a way it traps us and keeps us from doing the one thing we want to do most when we sit down with a paper and pen in hand or in front of a computer: write. The more time we waste and are unable to come up with ideas for writing stories, the more we get discouraged. That’s why we have something to help kick-start your muse.
In this free online download, you get two weeks worth of top-notch writing prompts designed to spark your mind and help you flex your creative muscles. From fiction prompts to poem starters to short stories ideas, you’ll be able to generate creative story ideas based on a sentence or two of direction. These story starters and writing topics are designed to allow your mind to run wild and come up with the most imaginative narratives possible. And we’re offering this two-week boot camp of writing prompts for free—all you have to do is download it.
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Sneak Peek Inside The Writing Prompt Boot Camp
Dedicate the next two weeks of your life to crafting stories thanks to these creative writing story ideas. By having ideas for stories to write sitting in front of you, you have no excuses and are forced to put your writing chops to the test. Here are just a few of the 16 writing promopts you'll find in this free download.
Day 1: Breaking Up With Writer’s Block
As stated earlier, all writers suffer from some form of writer’s block during their writing career. It’s completely normal, but it’s also something incredible curable. That’s why we start the boot camp with this writing prompt: It’s time for you and Writer’s Block to part ways. Write a letter breaking up with Writer’s Block, starting out with, “Dear Writer’s Block, it’s not you, it’s me …”
Day 2: The One That Got Away
Sometimes a story ideas generator will focus on love while other times it’ll focus on a broken heart. Perhaps you can find a way to include both when you attempt the second story starter exercise in this download: You bump into an ex-lover on Valentine’s Day—the one whom you often call “The One That Got Away.” What happens?
Day 3: Mystery Cookie
Like writing mysteries? Never tried it but have always wanted to? Well here’s an opportunity to take a simple premise about a mysterious event going on at work and take it in any direction you want (in fact, the more creative, the better!): One Day you come into work and find a cookie mysteriously placed on your desk. Grateful to whoever left this anonymous cookie, you eat it. The next morning you come in and find another cookie. This continues for months until one Day a different object is left—and this time there’s a note.
Day 4: Sent to the Wrong Printer
Another option is to write a suspenseful story. To set this up you need something at stake, like your life is on the line and you need to save it or sensitive information about you is on the verge of being released and you need to stop it. Here’s a free writing idea that allows you to practice writing suspense: You’re at work and you print something personal (and sensitive). Unfortunately, you’ve sent it to the wrong printer and, by the time you realize it, someone else already scooped it up.
Why Stop There? Get All 16 Writing Prompts in this Free Download
Set aside a part of your day—20 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour?—and take a stab at each of these writing prompts. The Two-Week Writing Prompt Boot Camp provides a mix of story starting options, including one that asks you to break up with writer’s block, one about a mystery cookie, one that deals with a Ouiji board and more. Plus, the Two-Week Writing Prompt Boot Camp actually offers up two bonus writing prompts! That’s right: Instead of 14 prompts you get 16 prompts—that way if you have extra time during your two-week writing campaign and want additional challenges or are having so much success that you want to extend your boot camp by a couple of days, you can. Download these story starters now and start your writing marathon today!
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