8 Leigh Bardugo Quotes About Writing for Writers
Get inspired to create fantastical worlds with these 8 Leigh Bardugo quotes about writing from the March/April 2018 issue of Writer’s Digest.
Get inspired to create fantastical worlds with these 8 Leigh Bardugo quotes about writing from the March/April 2018 issue of Writer's Digest.
Young adult fantasy author Leigh Bardugo was interviewed in the March/April 2018 issue of Writer's Digest and she shared some of her tips and opinions about world-building, creating characters, and drafting. To celebrate the release of her new book this week, Ninth House, here are 8 Leigh Bardugo quotes from that interview. And if you want more, read the WD interview here.
I think we kind of fetishize the creative life. … And the idea that somehow you’re not a real writer if you are pursuing taking care of yourself and your life, as you pursue your art, is an incredibly damaging one. – Leigh Bardugo, WD March/April 2018
Very few people have the wherewithal or the safety net to be able to pursue writing full time from moment one. And I want people to understand that you can absolutely work a job, sometimes two jobs, and have those responsibilities—and still write. – Leigh Bardugo, WD March/April 2018
I think that when you’re writing, being creative in other ways is really useful and therapeutic. – Leigh Bardugo, WD March/April 2018
A big part of writing is the discomfort of the work not being what you want it to be and the feelings of doubt or failure that come with not being able to make the idea instantly into what you want it to be. – Leigh Bardugo, WD March/April 2018
I think the first trick to writing a feminist work is to write plenty of women. That way you get to write characters instead of worrying about paradigms. – Leigh Bardugo
Let go of the idea that somehow you can outsmart a first draft. Because I never met anybody who can. – Leigh Bardugo, WD March/April 2018
I don’t think you can write something in a world—at least I know this is true for fantasy—without feeling like you’re opening new doors to new places. – Leigh Bardugo, WD March/April 2018
The greatest challenge of world-building is not building the world. You could build a world with maps and languages and all these things [and still be missing something.] It’s releasing that information to the reader. – Leigh Bardugo, WD March/April 2018
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About Amy Jones
Amy Jones is the Editor-in-Chief of Writer’s Digest and was the managing content director for WD Books. She is the editor of the Novel and Short Story Writer's Market and Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Market. Prior to joining the WD team, Amy was the managing editor for North Light Books and IMPACT Books. Like most WD staffers, Amy is a voracious reader and has a particular interest in literary fiction, historical fiction, steamy romance, and page-turning mysteries. When she’s not reading, Amy can be found daydreaming about Italy or volunteering at her local no-kill cat shelter. Find Amy on Twitter @AmyMJones_5.