WD Events
Learn more about upcoming Writer’s Digest events, including the annual conference, writing tours, and more.
For more than 100 years, Writer's Digest has been the go-to resource for all things writing and getting published. With our magazines, books, online education, and a bevy of online resources and services—we've never been more accessible to more writers across all genres and experience levels.
Writer's Digest Tours
It's official! In the beginning of May (5/3-10) 2025, Writer's Digest will host its first ever writing tour in Italy. The first half of the week will be spent surrounded by the beauty and history of Florence with a local tour guide during the days and time to explore or write in the evenings. Then, writers will travel to a scenic villa in the Tuscan countryside with the Writer's Digest hosts (WD editors Amy Jones & Robert Lee Brewer) for writing inspiration and instruction.
Writer's Digest Annual Conference
The 2025 Writer's Digest Annual Conference will take place in-person late July in Baltimore, Maryland. Per usual, it will offer an incredible lineup of presenters and pre-conference workshops, in addition to one-on-one consultations with literary agents.
Writer's Digest Virtual Conferences
Sometimes in-person doesn't work out for a variety of reasons. However, Writer's Digest has you covered with a regular rotation of virtual conferences. Each virtual conference offers sessions taught by award-winning and bestselling authors along with the opportunity for query critiques from publishing professionals (agents and editors).
Here's what is on the horizon:
On February 21-23, 2025, Writer's Digest hosts its popular annual Romance Writing Virtual Conference. This year's virtual conference includes sessions by Jennifer Probst, Kilby Blades, Sonali Dev, Brian Feehan, Annie Rains, Denise Williams, and Nikki Payne. Plus, writers have the opportunity to get a query critique from a participating literary agent.
On March 21-23, 2025, Writer's Digest hosts its longest-running annual virtual conference, which is focused on mystery & thriller writing. This year's virtual conference includes sessions by Hallie Ephron, C. Hope Clark, Amanda Flower, Mike Maden, Sharon Short, and more, in addition to the opportunity for a query critique from a participating literary agent.
On April 25-27, Writer's Digest will host its 2nd annual Memoir & Personal Essay Writing Virtual Conference, which has now expanded due to its popularity from last year. Speakers will be announced soon.
Sponsorship & Media Opportunities
Interested in connecting face-to-face with authors at one of our events? Contact April Krueger at AKrueger@aimmedia.com or call (715) 318-0996.