The “April Fools’ Headlines for Writers” Contest – Join in & Win Prizes!
It’s April Fools Day, which means it’s time for our #AprilFools4Writers contest! Here’s how it works.
Are you ready to have a little fun? It's April Fools Day, which means it's time for our #AprilFools4Writers contest! Here's how it works: Create entertaining, clever and witty headlines that would appear in an Onion-style newspaper for writers about anything writing related (grammar, authors, books, etc.) and post it in any of the ways mentioned below. That's it! That's all you have to do. To make it extra special, I'll up the ante: I'm giving away two prizes, a copy of the 2017 Guide to Literary Agents and a copy of Author in Progress. Here's how to win one of them:
Enter this competition in any of the four ways below. Also, spread the word of it by mentioning this blog post anywhere you can and I'll give you a second chance to win. I'll pick the winners at random.
Here are my first two:
How to be entered for a chance to win:
1. Post your headline in any one of these ways:
- On this blog: Leave your headline in the comment section of this post.
- On Twitter: Use the hashtag #AprilFools4Writers with your headline
- On Facebook: Leave your headline as a comment in the #AprilFools4Writers Facebook thread.
2. Share this post on your social media sites--Twitter, FB, your blog.
If you post on Twitter, include my handle so I can track it. If you post on FB or post on your blog, include the link below in the comments section (don't panic if your comment doesn't show up right away, sometimes it takes a day to work through our SPAM filter). Here's a sample that you can use anywhere:
Like April Fool's Day? Enter the @WritersDigest #AprilFools4Writers contest. It's free! Details: (via @BrianKlems) [Click here to Tweet this]
If you want to be eligible for prizes, you have to do both. Deadline is Tuesday, April 4, 2014at noon EDT. (So you have several days to participate!) I will announce the winners and post some of my favorite entries next Monday, April 7 right here on this blog. Remember, enter because it's fun—as a bonus, you could walk away with one of these:
P.S. Want to win even bigger prizes and receive prestigious awards? Check out other Writer's Digest writing contests.
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Brian A. Klems is the online editor of Writer's Digest and author of the popular gift bookOh Boy, You're Having a Girl: A Dad's Survival Guide to Raising Daughters.
Follow Brian on Twitter: @BrianKlems
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Brian A. Klems is the former Senior Online Editor of Writer’s Digest, and author of Oh Boy, You’re Having a Girl (Adams Media/Simon & Schuster). Follow him on Twitter @BrianKlems.