Contest: You won’t believe what came in the mail today…
Bring on the romance, horror, romantic horror, lit fiction, thrillers, sci-fi, uppers, downers, fantastical creatures (leprechauns?), cheating husbands, cowboys, cowgirls, astronauts, teachers, students and everything and anything in between—it’s time…
Bring on the romance, horror, romantic horror, lit fiction, thrillers, sci-fi, uppers, downers, fantastical creatures (leprechauns?), cheating husbands, cowboys, cowgirls, astronauts, teachers, students and everything and anything in between—it’s time to once again open WD's doors for the eclectically awesome submissions to our Your Story competition.
For a shot at getting your work published in Writer's Digest magazine's lone fiction spot, pen a short story of 750
words or fewer based on the prompt below, from our new May/June issue. Then, post the story in the
comments section of Promptly, or e-mail it to (entries must be pasted directly into the
body of the e-mail; no attachments).
Cost: Free.
Prize: Publication.
Deadline: May 10.
Rule: One entry per person.
Leprechauns: Not required, but welcome—they always pop up, and it's a strange phenomenon we've been keeping an eye on.
Also, for last week's swag drawing, we reached into the Promptly hat, and a random name has emerged to receive a stack of books: Sam Webb. Sam, when you get a free moment, can you send your address to me at, with "Promptly" in the subject line? Many, many thanks, as always, to everyone who wrote in, and good luck to those taking on the Your Story challenge.
WRITING PROMPT: Your Story #34
you want to post your story in the comments section for other writers
to read but the Captcha code isn’t working, e-mail the piece to me at with “Promptly” in the subject line, and I’ll
make sure it gets up.)
Begin your story using the following line of dialogue: "You won't believe what came in the mail today."
Does your nonfiction book have a USP? What is a USP? Learn the 5 keys to selling your nonfiction book or memoir live with WD this Thursday. Click here for more info.

Zachary Petit is a freelance journalist and editor, and a lifelong literary and design nerd. He's also a former senior managing editor of Writer’s Digest magazine. Follow him on Twitter @ZacharyPetit.