NaNoWriMo Giveaway (Day 7): Checklist of Story Points

In honor of National Novel Writing Month, I’m going to be offering free content each weekday in November to help all NaNoWriMo participants (and, really, anyone who is working on a novel). Here is today’s giveaway: A Checklist of Story Points …

In honor of National Novel Writing Month, I’m going to be offering free content each weekday in November to help all NaNoWriMo participants (and, really, anyone who is working on a novel).
Here is today’s giveaway:

Day 7: One of the keys to finishing strong with NaNoWriMo is to make sure you’re thinking ahead. Having those key turning points in mind from the start will give you different points to work toward throughout the month and ensure your work stays on track until the climax. Use this checklist of story points from Story Engineering by Larry Brooks to help determine what you should be writing towards from week to week. To get this freebie, just enter your e-mail address below.

Looking for more NaNoWriMo resources?

Check out the special NaNoWriMo Resources Section in the Writer's Digest Shop.


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Brian A. Klems is the former Senior Online Editor of Writer’s Digest, and author of Oh Boy, You’re Having a Girl (Adams Media/Simon & Schuster). Follow him on Twitter @BrianKlems.