Page of Reason

A friend returns the stack of books you loaned to them, but one of the books isn’t yours…and it’s a bit odd.  Where might the book have possibly come from?…

Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash

A friend returns the stack of books you loaned to them, but one of the books isn't yours...and it's a bit odd. 

Where might the book have possibly come from? Did your friend give it to you on accident, or for other reasons?

Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments below.

About Cassandra Lipp

Cassandra Lipp is managing editor of Writer's Digest. She is the author of Queen City Records, which tells the stories behind the indie record shops of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Her work has appeared in Greener PasturesThe Belladonna, Little Old LadyPoints in Case, and Ohio's Best Emerging Poets 2019. Follow her on Twitter @Cassie000000.