We Asked, You Answered: Reader Recommendations for Spooky Season

We asked our Instagram followers what books they suggest during spooky season. Here are the titles they recommend for a frightful night in!

Last week, we asked our Instagram followers for their spooky season book recommendations.

Ranging from the atmospheric to the downright terrifying, here's what our followers had to say about their favorite scary stories!

  • robertleebrewer

    The Halloween Tree, by Ray Bradbury, pretty much every October.

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  • musingsonbeing

    Oh definitely some Edgar Allan Poe

    • ali.pennell

      The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman! I’m 32 and will continue reading it until I’m old and gray!

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  • storiesbyshannap

    Loch by Paul Zindel and any of his other cryptid books!

    • writerpal

      I LOVE revisiting Ray Bradbury’s Something Wicked This Way Comes. It’s the perfect Halloween read and just an all-around tremendous novel

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  • tiffany_reisz

    Anything by Shirley Jackson.

    • energeticstarfish

      I read The Shining and The Exorcist pretty much every year. By now they don't even really scare me; they are more comforting than anything else.

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Do you see any of your favorites on this list? In the comments below, give us your favorite spooky read for spooky season!

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Michael Woodson is the content editor at Writer's Digest. Prior to joining the WD team, Michael was the editorial and marketing manager for the independent children's book publisher Blue Manatee Press. He was also the associate editor for Artists Magazine and Drawing magazine, and has written for Soapbox Cincinnati, Watercolor Artist, and VMSD magazine. An avid reader, Michael is particularly interested literary fiction and magical realism, as well as classics from Jane Austen, Ernest Hemingway, and E.M. Forster. When he's not reading, he's working on his own stories, going for a run at his favorite park, or cuddling up to watch a movie with his husband Josh and their dog Taran.