What do you want to see in Writer’s Digest magazine?

Dear Promptly prompters, Apologies for the brief disappearing act in April—we’ve been working to finish our July/August issue, start our big September Big 10 issue, develop some exciting new stuff…

Dear Promptly prompters,

Apologies for the brief disappearing act in April—we’ve been working to finish our July/August issue, start our big September Big 10 issue, develop some exciting new stuff that we’ll hopefully be able to announce here soon, and stay dry in the everlasting Cincinnati monsoon that currently has me awaiting Kevin Costner on a raft.

And, of course, we’ve been getting ready to create our 2012 Writer’s Digest magazine editorial calendar—our roster of what each issue is going to contain next year.

Which makes me wonder:

As writers, what would you love to see in the magazine?

What do you wish we’d cover more? ?

What authors do you wish we’d interview?

Share your thoughts in the Comments section below (or e-mail them to me at wdsubmissions@fwmedia.com), and I’ll take them to our next brainstorm. Also, I’ll randomly draw one commenter's name to receive a free subscription or renewal to the magazine.

A regular Promptly prompt follows. Happy Wednesday. If your weather’s anything like ours in the Great Midwestern Waterworld, here’s to hoping you stay hunkered down, writing, and dry.


WRITING PROMPT:Full Disclosure
free to take the following prompt home or post a
response (500 words or fewer, funny, sad or stirring) in the Comments
section below.
By posting, you’ll be automatically entered in our
occasional around-the-office swag drawings.
you’re having trouble with the
captcha code sticking, e-mail your piece and the prompt to me at
writersdigest@fwmedia.com, with “Promptly” in the subject line, and I’ll
make sure it gets up.

They toured the house with the real-estate agent.

"We love it," he said. "Is there anything we should know about the house's past?"

The agent looked down.


How do you find grants and financial resources to fuel your writing? Click here to check out our live Webinar this week.


Zachary Petit is a freelance journalist and editor, and a lifelong literary and design nerd. He's also a former senior managing editor of Writer’s Digest magazine. Follow him on Twitter @ZacharyPetit.