Winners of our April Fool’s “Write Your Best Fake Headline” Contest

First off, thanks to everyone who participated in our April’s Fools “Write Your Best Fake Headline” contest. (If you missed it, you can get the details here.) Second I had a blast reading through all entries. For a moment I was really excited, as I read one entry that said “Brian is Super Awesome!” and I thought, that’s pretty cool of someone to send! Then I realized that I was the one who sent it when testing the system. (Oops!) Anyway, without further ado, the winner is ..

First off, thanks to everyone who participated in our April's Fools "Write Your Best Fake Headline" contest. (If you missed it, you can get the details here.) Second I had a blast reading through all entries. For a moment I was really excited, as I read one entry that said "Brian is Super Awesome!" and I thought, that's pretty cool of someone to send! Then I realized that I was the one who sent it when testing the system. #FAIL

Anyway, without further ado, the winner of our Facebook April Fool's "Write Your Best Fake Headline" contest is:

Independent Clauses Unite to Spar Over Missing Comma
By Aimee Juarez

For winning, Aimee will receive a 1-year Writer's Digest VIP package. Congrats Aimee!

The 10 runners-up who will receive a 1-year Writer's Digest subscription are:

The Publishing Industry Takes a Leap: Peter Cottontail Part 2
By Dean Kutzler

Period Comes to a Full Stop at Sentence's End
By Grace Wynter

Amazon Now Moving to Sell Gently Used Air At Discounted Price
By Railenthe Zeal

Comb sues Dentist for Sexual Harassment: "He said my teeth were 'Fine'"
By Paula Wood

Shave, Haircut Undergo 5900 Percent Price Inflation
By Kyle White

Zombie Hostage Crisis: Negotiators Say "Brains are Off the Table"
By Linda Ward

Local Farmer Gives Pig Human Flu Out of Spite
By Ryan Finley

Missing Man found in Sofa Section at Ikea
By Katt Tolley

Man With Dangling Participle Arrested at Local Library Looking for Warmth
By April Hamilton

Cat Writes Definitive Dog Training Book. Dog Owners Ecstatic. Dogs Furious.
By Cindy Blair

Thanks again to everyone who participated. Look to this blog, the Writer's Digest Facebook fanpage and our Twitter account for more contests like this in the future.

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Brian A. Klems is the former Senior Online Editor of Writer’s Digest, and author of Oh Boy, You’re Having a Girl (Adams Media/Simon & Schuster). Follow him on Twitter @BrianKlems.