The Writer’s Digest Holiday Gift Guide: 30+ Gifts for Writers

From books, socks, tech, games and knicknacks to services and videos, this guide offers a compendium of creative experiences, learning tools and gifts for writers of every genre and persuasion.

“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.”
Booker T. Washington, 1901

The season of giving is nearly upon us, and in our experience, writers can be a challenging crowd to shop for. That's why we've collected a helpful series of resources and items that we'd be delighted to receive during the holidays. From books and knicknacks to services and videos, this guide offers a compendium of creative experiences, learning tools and gifts for writers of every genre and persuasion.

The Book Lover's Page-A-Day Calendar 2018

By Workman Publishing

Price: $9.99

If you’re looking for gifts for a writer that will keep them reading all year, look no further - this calendar is the perfect present for anyone who loves to write or loves to read. The new 2018 Book Lover’s Page-A-Day Calendar is perfect for writers who are looking for inspiration or simply a great recommended read. This new edition details hundreds of books for readers of all interests, from bestselling authors to literary legends.Get it here.

The Bookishly Crate" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Bookishly Crates

Price: £39.00

The Bookishly Crate is a limited edition monthly crate, filled with literary goodies and themed around a particular book that changes each month. You can buy each box as it's released, or you can check out their various subscriptions. Check out the current boxes and get more details The Bookishly Crate" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here.

Writerly Schematic Posters & Tees

Price: $6.50 – $39.98

PatentPrints has exploded since I first learned about them while writing for graphic design publication HOW Design. Not everything they make is writer-centic, but some of their schematic-style posters are just perfect as gifts for writers and literary enthusiasts. Check out a range of products with these neat designs in their Etsy shop.

Board & Card Games for Writers & Storytellers


created by Jean-Louis Roubira, published by Libellud

Price: $34.99

Description: Dixit is the classic, simple, lighthearted game of storytelling and guesswork where your imagination unlocks the tale. Winner of the prestigious Spiel des Jahres award, Dixit invites you to use the gorgous, imaginative artwork on the cards to tell brief stories. Each round, one player selects a card from his or her hand, thinks up a sentence, and plays the card facedown, telling the others the sentence conjured by the card. The other players all choose cards that they think match that sentence and play them facedown. The cards are shuffled and then revealed. Players secretly vote for the card that best matches the narrator's story, and player whose cards are chosen score a number of points. Of course, the real victory in Dixit is not in amassing points, but in sharing a creative experience with your family and friends. Find out where it's sold here.


by Keith Baker & Atlas Games

Price: $24.95

Description: In the Gloom card game, you assume control of the fate of an eccentric family of misfits and misanthropes. The goal of the game is sad, but simple: you want your characters to suffer the greatest tragedies possible before passing on to the well-deserved respite of death. Play horrible mishaps like Pursued by Poodles or Mocked by Midgets on your own characters, while trying to cheer your opponents' characters with marriages and other happy occasions. Printed on transparent plastic cards, Gloom features an innovative design by Keith Baker. Multiple modifier cards can be played on top of the same character card; since the cards are transparent, elements from previously played modifier cards either show through or are obscured by those played above them. You'll immediately and easily know the worth of every character, no matter how many modifiers they have. You've got to see (through) this game to believe it! Learn more here. And check out news about the upcoming digital edition here.

Books About Writing

The Write-Brain Workbook Revised & Expanded

400 Exercises to Liberate Your Writing

by Bonnie Neubauer

Price: $16.82

This list would be utterly incomplete without a selection of some of our favorite books. One of our particular favorites at the moment is The Write-Brain Workbookby Bonnie Neubauer, a hefty tome containing 400 beautifully-designed exercises to keep your writing muscles fresh and flexible. Get it here.

Edited by Robert Lee Brewer

Price: $24.99

If you or someone you know is looking to get published, this is the resource for you. Writer's Market has long been called the most trusted and comprehensive guide for writing around. This hefty tome is your source for thousands of publishing opportunities—including listings for book publishers, consumer and trade magazines, contests and awards, and literary agents. Beyond the listings, you’ll find all-new material devoted to the business and promotion of writing. Discover the secrets to writing better queries and selling more articles, tips to earn money from blogging, and how to develop a standout author brand. Get it here.

Oh, and the Deluxe Edition includes everything you expect in a regular edition of Writer’s Market, PLUS a one-year subscription to With this subscription, you’ll gain instant access to more than 7,500 listings for book publishers, magazines, contests, literary agents, and more—with daily updates.

And don't miss these specialized Writer's Market editions:

Check out more of our favorite books on writing while you're at it (all available and up to 50% off at

Much" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Literary Sticky Notes

by The Philosopher's Guild

The Philosopher's Guild is a great resource for silly literary- and philosophy-themed gifts, from these "Much" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Much Ado About Nothings" to candles and Little Thinker dollsExplore at

Book Cover Tote Bags" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Book Cover Tote Bags

from Book Cover Tote Bags" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Out of Print

Price: $18

Out of Print's book cover totes are all enthralling gifts for writers—and they have a huge variety. Check out the ones above or Book Cover Tote Bags" target="_blank" rel="noopener">explore the full collection here.

Video Games for Writers & Storytellers


Price: $12.99 on Steam

With a great story and awesome gameplay, Typoman is easily my favorite video game out there. This breakout indie game is a lightweight adventure and word game that leads your typographic character on a compelling quest against evil. Embark on a HERO's journey and encounter endless surprises along the way. Then, once you've finished the main quest, you can play two awesome scramble-based mini games. Learn how to get it for a variety of systems here.

The Wolf Among Us

Price: $24.99

Any Telltale game is worth a writer's time—the storylines are simply excellent. But this one, based on the Fables comic series by Bill Willingham, is uniquely suited to writers, storytellers and fans of classic fairy tales. Play as Sheriff Bigby Wolf—the Big Bad Wold—as he solves a seedy mystery in New York's Fabletown. All of your choices have consequences and impact what happens later in the game. Fans have been waiting for the release of the next season for quite some time, but we're told it will drop in 2018. Note: This game contains adult themes and is not recommended for kids.Find out how to get it here.

2nd Draft Editing Services

Price: Varies

Know a writer with a completed (or nearly-completed) manuscript? Editing services are a great way to get your novel publication-ready. Our own service, 2nd Draft, provides a high-level review of your writing, pointing out reasons your work may be getting rejected, or may not meet the standards of traditional publication. After an evaluation of your submission, one of the professional 2nd Draft critiquers will provide feedback and advice. You’ll not only learn what’s working in your writing, but what’s not, and—most important—how to fix it. Learn more here.

A Library Card + OverDrive

Price: Free! Or, the price of a library card.

OverDrive is the world's leading provider of digital content to libraries and schools. They work with 36,000+ library and school partners to allow students and library-goers access to eBooks, audiobooks and videos from thousands of public libraries worldwide. All you need is an internet connection, a library card or student ID, and the app. Learn more here.

[Looking for more free stuff? Check out our free downloads page, and ScriptMag's too!]

A Classy Peter Pan Notebook for Writers & Book Lovers

from Moleskine

Price: $34.95

Description: Add a pinch of fairy dust and watch as your imagination takes flight. Peter Pan Limited Edition Notebooks sparkle with the magic of this timeless children’s classic, inviting you to capture and note down your own inspiring journeys, stories and dreams. Each edition celebrates ending up in places we never imagined, writing our own tale of adventure and never growing up. With only 9999 copies available exclusively on and in Moleskine stores, this is an object to treasure. Get it here.

Literary Note Cards

Price: $14.95

Princeton Architectural Press has these gorgeous notecards featuring quotations by Emily Dickinson. These make great gifts for writers, but you can also use them to pair with your other gifts. Check out the ones above here, or look at their set dedicated to Henry David Thoreau.

A Subscription to Writer's Digest

Price: $9.96 – $21.96

Okay, okay, so we're definitely tooting our own horn here, but seriously: Writer's Digest magazine is a fantastic resource for writers looking to improve their craft, get published, and find insights from the greatest names in the industry. Isaac Asimov, Joyce Carol Oates, Joan Didion, Ray Bradbury, Jack Kerouac, Truman Capote, H.G. Wells, Margaret Atwood and Maya Angelou—yeah, they've all been in Writer's Digest. Experience the knowledge of nearly 100 years of writers. Subscribe here.

Bookish Enamel Pins" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Literary Enamel Pins

by Buy 2 pairs of Book Socks, Get the 3rd pair FREE" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Out of Print

Price: $10 - $18

Out of Print has all sorts of charming goodies for book lovers, but these enamel pins are particularly adorable. Bookish Enamel Pins" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Check out their full selection here.

High-Quality Headphones

Price: $349.95

Whether you like to listen to music while you write, or you just consume audiobooks like it's your job, a nice set of headphones can make a world of difference. Bose is the leading name in audio equipment. Check out their QuietComfort 35 wireless headphones, which are among the highest-rated headphones on the market right now.

Price: TBD—check back on Dec. 2!

It's our favorite time of year. The Writer’s Digest Annual Conference offers everything you need to advance creatively and professionally as a writer—no matter what stage of your career. Join us, and send your favorite writer friends to experience the magic. Registration for the 2018 conference opens on December 2nd, so stay tuned to

Alternatively, if you can't make the Annual Conference or you missed the WD Novel Writing Conference, be sure to tune into our Virtual Conference for Novelists.

Bibliophilia" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Bibliophilia Prints

by Bibliophilia" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Obvious State

Price: $24.00

Obvious State is a New York City-based creative studio whose work is inspired by language, classic literature and poetry. We're particularly fond of their Bibliophilia" target="_blank" rel="noopener">book-themed prints, but you can check out all of their products Bibliophilia" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here.

Book-Themed Socks

Price: $10

I keep singing Out of Print's praises, but it's hard not to when they have such fun and clever products. I particualrly love the visual humor of the Count of Monte Cristo socks above. Buy 2 pairs of Book Socks, Get the 3rd pair FREE" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Check out all of their socks here.

The Gift of Knowlegde: Online Writing Courses, Workshops & Tutorials

There are many sources for online education, but Writer's Digest is fortunate to have some of the greatest minds in the craft of writing available to instruct our online courses, conduct tutorials and create workshops. Check out our options below:

Happy Holidays from the Writer's Digest family to you and yours!

Jess Zafarris is the Executive Director of Marketing & Communications for Gotham Ghostwriters and the former Digital Content Director for Writer’s Digest. Her eight years of experience in digital and print content direction include such roles as editor-in-chief of HOW Design magazine and online content director of HOW and PRINT magazine, as well as writing for the Denver Business Journal, ABC News, and the Memphis Commercial Appeal. She spends much of her spare time researching curious word histories and writing about them at Follow her at @jesszafarris or @uselessety on Twitter.