Writing Prompt: What would you give up for a year? (Plus, a giveaway)
Thanks to everyone who wrote a story in response to my falling-book SOS last week. All the names were put into the magic Promptly hat, and a random drawing has…
Thanks to everyone who wrote a story in response to my falling-book SOS last week. All the names were put into the magic Promptly hat, and a random drawing has produced one swag claimant: Jackie Reuter. (Jackie, can you e-mail your address to me at writersdigest@fwmedia.com, with "Promptly" in the subject line?)
Still, even with those books finding a new home, I continue to be at a heightened risk of falling objects. So let's do one more giveaway.
Post a story (500 words or fewer) in response to today's prompt any time between now and next Wednesday, and we'll randomly draw a new name to receive a stack of books.
If you're having trouble with the captcha code sticking and can't get your story to post, e-mail it to wdsubmissions@fwmedia.com with "Promptly" in the subject line, and I'll make sure it gets up.
Something happened. As a result, you've decided to give something up for an entire year. Write a scene detailing the cataclysmic event, or the struggle to keep the vow you made.
Are you a late-night writer? Check out our Successful Nighttime Novelist Premium Collection. Sharpen your night writes with three craft books, the WD weekly planner, our 12 Weeks to a First Draft independent study course, our Start Your Story Right webinar, and an issue of Writer's Digest magazine focused on creativity—all at 72 percent off. (Limited-time offer, only 50 are available.Click herefor more info.)

Zachary Petit is a freelance journalist and editor, and a lifelong literary and design nerd. He's also a former senior managing editor of Writer’s Digest magazine. Follow him on Twitter @ZacharyPetit.