The Winners of the 18th Annual Short Short Story Competition

Writer’s Digest would like to congratulate the winners of the 18th Annual Short Short Story Competition. Each year, writers submit their very best short stories of 1,500 words or fewer.

Writer’s Digest would like to congratulate the winners of the 18th Annual Short Short Story Competition. Each year, writers submit their very best short stories of 1,500 words or fewer. For complete coverage of the awards, see the July/August 2018 issue of Writer’s Digest. This year, “Beneath the Cracks” by Nicole Disney ( bested more than 3,000 entries to win the grand prize of $3,000 and a trip to the Writer’s Digest Annual Conference in New York City, among other prizes.

The Winners of the 18th Annual Short Short Story Competition

  1. “Beneath the Cracks” by Nicole Disney
    [Read the winning story here. | Read an extended Q&A with the author here.]
  2. “Free White Milk” by Talya Tate Boerner
  3. “Maple” by Charlotte MacFarlane
  4. “Caught” by Julie Watson
  5. “American Special” by John K. Boy
  6. “Goodbye, Betty 4.0” by Madeline Vann
  7. “Avoiding the Bouquet” by Leslie DeVooght
  8. “The Last Word” by Tracy Maxwell
  9. “Little Bugs” by Cody D. Campbell
  10. “One Step Forward” by Zulma Ortiz-Fuentes
  11. “The Dolphins” by Michael Siembor
  12. “Well Water” by Lyndsey S. Resnick
  13. “Poor Red Freckles” by Roger Jones
  14. “Mad Dogs” by Julie Stielstra
  15. “Numb” by Isabella Stephens
  16. “Regret” by Raylene Joan Wall
  17. “War & Speech” by Ronan Takagi
  18. “Misjudged” by Shirley Cayer
  19. “Seanmathair” by Maureen Cornell
  20. “The Number” by William French
  21. “Li Lan” by Rachel Briar
  22. “Ruby’s Diner” by Lones Seiber
  23. “Buffet Reservations” by Deanna Brady
  24. “What She Wants” by Mark Bruce
  25. “The Power Game” by Laura Scalzo