How Twitter Is Helpful for Aspiring Writers
At this weekend’s Editors’ Intensive, Alice Pope & I were trying to explain how Twitter works and how it can be helpful for writers. There were many skeptics in the…
At this weekend's Editors' Intensive, Alice Pope & I were trying to explain how Twitter works and how it can be helpful for writers.
There were many skeptics in the audience. So I posed the question to my friends/followers on Twitter: How has Twitter helped you as a writer?
I love the responses I received, so I'm sharing with all. Thank you for your generous tips—and if you have more to say beyond 140 characters, you have the comments to elaborate!
Twitter's let me meet writers, editors, & agents I might not have,
& helped me understand all aspects of the business better.
Contacts, sources and community - it's a digital moveable feast
I've met editors, agents, big authors, up & coming authors, spread the word about my blog, made wonderful friends!
The connection/interaction to other writers, editors, even agents has been hugely enlightening.
Twitter helped me meet ppl I wouldn't have had access to otherwise. Casual format makes asking questions less intimidating.
Twitter has helped me connect with other writers like me. We encourage each other--writing is no longer a lonely occupation.
Twitter has helped me learn more about specific agents and enabled me to make a better decision on if they're right for me.
Twitter also keeps me updated on the writing industry & has helped me meet great writers I wouldn't have otherwise met.
Met many writers and authors I never would have met on Twitter.
How has Twitter helped? Connected to writers, pubs, opportunities, promotion - gotten more readers on blog, my novel, etc
Twitter helped me find an excellent guide in southern Austria on a research trip for my next historical novel.
Twitter helps me observe the minds of literary agents! I've discovered those not living in New York are almost normal, almost!
Inspiration: microfiction and poetry at my fingertips, showing how much can be conveyed in 25 words.
Networking in a telecommuting industry. Editing for concise: make cuts and preserve meaning. Best clipping service ever.
Writing community with support and very imp. info re: today's publishing world.
Twitter gives affirmation of what I know and information about what I don't. Networking allows pub. & unpub. to come together.
I agree with everything @jessrosenbooks says about writers &
twitter. Support, info & encouragement is incredible, even for a
rookie :)
I am learning a lot from twitter friends and people who share info through twitter. And I'm getting to know fantastic people.
Twitter has taught me about platforms, promotion, community, and audience.
I've had hot scoops from tweeters in other countries, I've met ace journos i never would have otherwise ... I've been filming a Lisbon city guide using nothing more than my phone, mostly twitter, no printed research, guides etc.
Twitter helps me connect with fellow writers in a fun and collegiate way
Networking, research, discovering new
things, calling attn to my blog has been ESSENTIAL to my work flow.
Learned of an online auction, bid for crit from my dream editor, won, got crit & a request for full!
Still learning Twitter, but like the opportunity to follow info on specific subjects from lots of sources in one place.
From @DavidRozansky:
I have acquired more than a dozen potential new authors for our house via Twitter pitches.
Linking to articles via Twitter has increased blog traffic by 900%.
Twitter keeps tabs on rival publishing houses & client bookstores.
By following industry experts, knowledge of books industry grows exponentially.
Links to books on Twitter results in increased book sales.
I've built platform of 2,600 Twitter followers in only 5 months, no gimmicks.
I run #scifichat, a weekly scifi books group discussion, Fri. 2-4 pm.
Twitter gives me ideas for books and marketing before competition.
Through Twitter, I am first to learn of trends and news in the books industry.
The best thing-I make friends with fab people in the industry, like yourself!
Leave your tips and thoughts in the comments!
Don't forget:
- Follow Writer's Digest and our editors on Twitter: @writersdigest@JaneFriedman@brianklems@robertleebrewer @alicepope@kmnickell
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Jane Friedman is a full-time entrepreneur (since 2014) and has 20 years of experience in the publishing industry. She is the co-founder of The Hot Sheet, the essential publishing industry newsletter for authors, and is the former publisher of Writer’s Digest. In addition to being a columnist with Publishers Weekly and a professor with The Great Courses, Jane maintains an award-winning blog for writers at Jane’s newest book is The Business of Being a Writer (University of Chicago Press, 2018).