What is the 90/10 Rule?

Because publishing is a business with limited time and resources, authors should be aware of the 90/10 rule. by Jerry D. Simmons

Because publishing is a business with limited time and resources, authors should be aware of the 90/10 rule. This states that approximately 90 percent of a publisher’s revenue is generated from 10 percent of the titles it publishes.

Authors whose books fall within that lucky 10 percent range are generally established bestsellers. If you are one of the 90 percent of authors whose books generate the remaining 10 percent of the publisher’s revenue, this only means you have to be proactive in understanding what goes on behind the scenes and how you can positively impact your book’s performance in the marketplace.

This article appeared in the July/August issue of Writer's Digest.Click here to order your copy in print. If you prefer a digital download of the issue, click here.