Home/Get Published/Write My QueryWrite My QueryCreate Your Writer Platform DownloadDownload from Create Your Writer Platform by Chuck Sambuchino. adminPublished Nov 23, 2012 5:00 AM PSTShare this storyDownload sample query letters here.Share this storyadminAuthorRelated StoriesThe Writer's LifeMy No-Show Book Talk Was the Best Thing to Happen to Me as a WriterKaren DeBonisInterviewsBreaking Out: Danielle PrescodMoriah RichardGet PublishedMedia-Savvy Author: Turning Your Book Into an Online CoursePaula RizzoGet PublishedA Letter to Myself on the Night of March 20, 2023 (the eve of publishing my debut novel)Jinwoo ChongWrite My QuerySuccessful Queries: Gabrielle Pachon and “Blood Beneath the Snow,” by Alexandra KenningtonGuest ColumnSelf-PublishingA Bookish Cinderella Story: Publishing My Debut Novel TwiceR.M. Gray