How to Stalk Publishing Professionals on Social Media in an Appropriate Way
Many people are self-professed “stalkers” on social media, whether they’re following life events of friends or celebrities. But writers can learn quite a bit on social media by stalking publishing professionals too, and this post covers the appropriate way to do so.
For many new and emerging writers, publishing is a mystery—both how to break into publishing and how it technically works. Even some more established writers don't know exactly how it works. However, there are many ways to learn more about the business side of writing.
Of course, one great tool is by reading magazines, books, and online articles about the business (or subscribing to our free Publishing Insights newsletter). But one other super helpful way to understand how publishing works is to stalk publishing professionals on social media in an appropriate way (as opposed to inappropriate ways).
What Is Appropriate Social Media Stalking?
First things first, let's define stalking, because that's a loaded term. Stalking means to follow a person or animal closely without being seen or heard. It's often used as a hunting term, but honestly, I know many people who use social media this very way: They friend or follow people and then silently stalk them, maybe giving an occasional like or share.
There's nothing wrong with this sort of stalking on social media if you're using it to do a couple things:
- Learn how the business of writing works in general, and...
- Learn the wants and needs of said publishing professional specifically.
For instance, you write science fiction and learn that an agent represents science fiction writers and has an Instagram account. So you follow the agent on Instagram and get hit with writing memes, publishing event selfies, and whatever else the agent posts on the platform.
From time to time, you may even learn about an open submission period and/or see a note about something they'd really like to see from writers. This is where appropriate social media stalking can be especially useful.
When Is It OK to Break the Silence on Social Media?
Well, honestly, any time can be alright to make a comment. But think about what kind of comment you make.
Let's say you're still a science fiction writer, and the agent mentions how they'd really love to see a YA fantasy adventure set in a dystopian future Manhattan. Don't comment on that post with something along the lines of, "Hey, I write science fiction and have an AI robot thriller set in the contemporary Midwest."
The agent just said they want an orange, and you responded with asparagus. The agent might like asparagus too, but they just talked about wanting an orange. That said, you could comment about how that fantasy premise sounds cool and kind of sci-fi. That's one way to engage in the conversation without making it about you and your project.
Mentioning You and Your Project on Social Media
In fact, let's talk about "you and your project." The appropriate time to mention you and your project on social media is usually "not now." The example scenario above, for instance, was not an appropriate time to butt in with "you and your project," because it's not what was called for.
Also, it's a nice gesture to send a personal message when someone accepts your follow or friend request. Not mandatory, but it doesn't hurt to let the person know why you're following them. At the same time, this is not the appropriate time to mention "you and your project."
I've often received friend requests from writers—only to immediately get hit with "them and their project." Usually something along the lines of, "Hey, thanks for the friend request. I wrote a book and would love it if you would read it and help me get it published." Or some variation on that theme.
There's a time and place for that, but not on social media...unless the agent or editor is specifically asking for it.
It's OK to Follow but Don't Be Creepy or Pushy
By nature, stalking is a pretty silent process. But know that the publishing professional you're stalking is a human being first and should be treated as such. Don't get creepy or pushy while following them.
Many publishing professionals put themselves out there, so that they can engage with other publishing professionals, including agents, editors, publishers, writers, conference directors, and readers. But that doesn't mean they're seeking conflict, arguments, or unwanted attention. In fact, many (like myself) are naturally introverted and shy in person (regardless of how extraverted they sound on the screen). So be respectful.
There are many great things to learn on social media. And there's the possibility of making some great connections and maybe even a chance at getting a break as far as publishing. So definitely follow, friend, and engage, but do so in an appropriate way.
By the way, you can find, follow, friend, etc., me at the following places:
Social media is a large part of our world today—and is thriving and growing by the minute. It’s important to know how to use social media for writers, everything from the basics to how it can benefit your career. Discover how to use social media to your advantage in this Social Media 101 course.

Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Editor of Writer's Digest, which includes managing the content on and programming virtual conferences. He's the author of 40 Plot Twist Prompts for Writers: Writing Ideas for Bending Stories in New Directions, The Complete Guide of Poetic Forms: 100+ Poetic Form Definitions and Examples for Poets, Poem-a-Day: 365 Poetry Writing Prompts for a Year of Poeming, and more. Also, he's the editor of Writer's Market, Poet's Market, and Guide to Literary Agents. Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer.