Join the Writer’s Digest Author Exchange Facebook Group to Network with WD Authors
The Writer’s Digest Authors Exchange is a public Facebook group intended to inspire and inform writers about the craft of writing and the business of publishing. It’s a place where writers find encouragement and support as they pursue their goals.
The Writer's Digest Authors Exchange is a public Facebook group intended to inspire and inform writers about the craft of writing and the business of publishing. It’s a place where writers find encouragement and support as they pursue their goals. Learn about it below.
Do you dream of a being a successful writer; of one day holding your published book in your hand or seeing your piece in a magazine or literary journal? Or maybe you are already published and are looking to build your writing career or need ideas for book promotion and time management. One key to success in these and other areas of writing, is to learn from those who have already accomplished what you intend to achieve.
When I began writing 20 years ago, one of the first things I did was join a writer’s group and started learning everything I could about the craft and the industry. Writer’s Digest was instrumental in providing me with the resources, information and inspiration I needed. Each year I scoured the new Writer’s Market when it came out, adding notes in the margins and sticky notes on pages with magazines I wanted to submit queries to. When a new issue of Writer’s Digest magazine arrived in my mailbox, I read it cover to cover learning everything I could. The resource books on every aspect of writing, like plot, structure, dialogue, query letters, and magazine writing were essential to my growth as a writer.
Now I feel I have come full circle with the recent release of my book, Writer’s Digest Guide to Magazine Article Writing. I am beyond excited to have a book through Writer’s Digest. I now have the chance be one of those resources for writers and share my love of writing for magazines while being a source of information and inspiration for others.
I am also excited about a new venture that brings together a dozen or so Writer’s Digest authors to one Facebook group, who also want to share their love for writing. This community, The Writer's Digest Authors Exchange, is a public Facebook group intended to inspire and inform writers about the craft of writing and the business of publishing. It’s a place where writers find encouragement and support as they pursue their goals.
Each week a different Writer’s Digest author hosts the Facebook group, sharing their own information, sources and ideas in their daily posts, making each week a new experience! Content includes writing prompts, questions to the audience, and topics about the writing industry. You’ll hear about trusted writing resources, learn about upcoming writing contests, participate in “topic of the day” discussions, meet other writers and so much more.
At the Writer’s Digest Authors Exchange group, you’ll get tips about all aspects of writing while getting to know other writers in the Writer’s Digest community. Trusted experts are there to help you navigate your way to success. You’ll make new connections in the writing industry and have the opportunity to ask questions. Our weekly hosts participate in the online discussions all week—and so can you!
I am rolling out as the first WD author host on September 10 and look forward to meeting writers who are interested in engaging in discussions on the craft and business of writing along with those seeking information, inspiration and encouragement. I will also have some giveaways. Please join me and the other authors at the Writer’s Digest Author Exchange Facebook Group. I look forward to meeting you there.
Here is the upcoming host schedule for the group:
- Kerrie Flanagan-9/10-9/17
- Windy Lynn Harris -9/17-9/23
- Bill Kenower -9/24-9/30
- Jeff Somers -10/1-10/7
- Jordan Rosenfeld -10/8-10/14
- Susan Shapiro -10/15-10/21
- Jody Rein -10/22-10/28
- Hallie Ephron -10/29-11/4
- Sage Cohen -11/5-11/11
- Matt Bird -11/12-11/18
- Jane K. Cleland -11/26-12/2
- Jennifer Probst -12/3-12/9
Find these authors' books in the Writer's Digest Shop!

Kerrie Flanagan is a freelance writer with over 20 years of experience and is the author of Guide to Magazine Article Writing. As a writing consultant, she works with writers, giving them the encouragement, support, resources, and tools to find success on their writing journey. She is the author of 8 books under her label, Hot Chocolate Press, and co-authors a romantic comedy series (Curtain Call) under the pen name, C.K. Wiles. You can also find her on Twitter (Kerrie_Flanagan) and Facebook (@KerrieFlanaganWriter).