Agent Alert: Anne Tibbets of D4EO Literary

Literary agent alerts (like this one with Anne Tibbets of D4EO Literary) are golden opportunities for new writers because each one is a literary agent who is likely building their client list.

Anne Tibbets began her career as a screenwriter, author, and literary agency intern at D4EO, becoming a full-time agent in 2018 at Red Sofa Literary. Anne joined D4EO Literary in 2019 and is best found on Twitter @AnneTibbets and her blog at

Anne Tibbets

Currently Seeking

Anne represents adult and young adult science fiction and fantasy, thrillers, horror, historical, and mystery.

No middle grade, chapter, or picture books. No nonfiction, scripts, or self-published works.

How to Submit

E-mail Anne at Please include:

  • Category and genre (Adult or YA: SFF, Thriller, Horror, etc.)
  • Word count
  • One-three paragraph "pitch"
  • Short author bio
  • Previously published titles (self-published counts)
  • 10-page writing sample within the body of the email (double-spaced, 12-point font)

Unrequested attachments will be deleted. Allow up to six weeks for a response to queries before nudging. Anne reads every query. If you don't hear back from her in six weeks, please nudge.

Responds in four-six weeks to partial requests; six-eight weeks to full requests.

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Jess Zafarris is the Executive Director of Marketing & Communications for Gotham Ghostwriters and the former Digital Content Director for Writer’s Digest. Her eight years of experience in digital and print content direction include such roles as editor-in-chief of HOW Design magazine and online content director of HOW and PRINT magazine, as well as writing for the Denver Business Journal, ABC News, and the Memphis Commercial Appeal. She spends much of her spare time researching curious word histories and writing about them at Follow her at @jesszafarris or @uselessety on Twitter.