New Literary Agent Alert: Annie Hwang of Folio Literary Management

Literary agent alerts (like this one with Annie Hwang of Folio Literary Management) are golden opportunities for new writers because each one is a literary agent who is likely building their client list.

About Annie: Originally from Los Angeles, Annie first worked in journalism before moving to New York to pursue her love of book publishing. Since joining Folio Literary Management she has had the pleasure of working with both debut and seasoned authors alike. Find her on Twitter: @AnnieAHwang. (On Tuesday, August 30, 2016, Annie is teaching a webinar for Writer's Digest called "The First Impression: How to Get Your Novel Noticed with Stronger First Pages." All attendees get their first few manuscript pages critiqued by her. Sign up for it here.)

Currently Seeking: She specializes in all categories of literary and upmarket fiction. She’s especially drawn to historical novels and psychological thrillers. In addition, she loves working with debut authors who have a gift for storytelling and are able immerse her deep within a well-built world in the space of a few sentences. Braided narratives, layered plots, and characters with deep emotional resonance all occupy a strong place in her heart . Annie is also open to nonfiction in the categories of pop science, diet/health/fitness, food, lifestyle, humor, pop culture, and select narrative nonfiction. (On Tuesday, August 30, 2016, Annie is teaching a webinar for Writer's Digest called "The First Impression: How to Get Your Novel Noticed with Stronger First Pages." All attendees get their first few manuscript pages critiqued by her. Sign up for it here.)

How to Submit: Please submit queries to annie [at] Please include the query letter and first ten pages of your manuscript or proposal in the body of the email. "Please be sure to write QUERY in the subject line as this will ensure I do not miss your letter."

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Chuck Sambuchino is a former editor with the Writer's Digest writing community and author of several books, including How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack and Create Your Writer Platform.