New Literary Agent Alert: Blair Wilson of Park Literary & Media
Literary agent alerts (like this one with Blair Wilson of Park Literary & Media) are golden opportunities for new writers because each one is a literary agent who is likely building their client list.
About Blair: Since graduating from Wesleyan University with a focus on literature and theory, Blair has fallen in love with the voices of new and emerging authors. Blair is actively building her client list in the areas of middle grade and young adult fiction, as well as kids and adult non-fiction with a focus on D.I.Y., lifestyle, pop culture, pets, and books dealing with issues of sexuality, identity, and culture. In her spare time, Blair can be found teaching embroidery classes at the American Folk Art Museum, testing out a new cookbook, or settling in for a night of Hammer horror movies.
She is Seeking: Blair is actively looking for middle grade and young adult fiction, as well as MG, YA, and adult nonfiction. In nonfiction, Blair is interested in narrative nonfiction, crafting/instructional, true crime, pop culture, lifestyle, sexuality & identity, design, and STEM topics.
How to Submit: Send your query and accompanying materials to Put “Blair Wilson” as well as the category and genre of your book (i.e. “Blair Wilson – YA Fantasy”) in the subject line of the email. All materials must be in the body of the email. For all fiction submissions, include a query letter and the first chapter or approximately the first ten pages of your work. For non-fiction submission, send a query letter, proposal, and one sample chapter or approximately ten pages.

Cris Freese is a technical writer, professional book editor, literary intern, and the former managing editor of Writer's Digest Books. Cris also edited the annual guides Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market and Guide to Literary Agents, while also curating, editing, and writing all content for GLA's online companion.