New Literary Agent Alert: Janna Bonikowski of The Knight Agency
Literary agent alerts (like this one with Janna Bonikowski of The Knight Agency) are golden opportunities for new writers because each one is a literary agent who is likely building their client list.
About Janna: Janna Bonikowski joined the Knight Agency with several years of experience as both an independent editor and a freelance editor for Lyrical Press/Kensington. Though her Bachelor’s degree focused on business and economics, her passion for books made a career in publishing inevitable.
Raised on a steady supply of books including everything from Little House on the Prairie to Trixie Belden to Anne of Green Gables, Janna has since moved on, expanding her reading diet to multiple genres: romance, women’s fiction, literary/commercial fiction, suspense, young adult, and historical fiction. With such a wide range of literary loves, she manically adds to her to-be-read pile every new-release Tuesday, supporting the economy one book purchase at a time.
She is Seeking: Women’s fiction, romance, historical fiction, literary/commercial fiction, young adult, suspense.
How to Submit: Submissions should be sent to and addressed to Janna. A one-page query and the first five pages of the manuscript should be included in the body of the email.

Chuck Sambuchino is a former editor with the Writer's Digest writing community and author of several books, including How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack and Create Your Writer Platform.