New Literary Agent Alert: Lindsay Mealing of Emerald City Literary

Literary agent alerts (like this one with Lindsay Mealing of Emerald City Literary) are golden opportunities for new writers because each one is a literary agent who is likely building their client list.

About Lindsay: Lindsay has been writing stories since she could first hold a pencil. It wasn’t until she sat down to edit a manuscript for the first time she realized her true love was not on the writing side of the publishing industry, but the business side. She began interning for Mandy at Emerald City Literary Agency in early 2015 and quickly realized agenting was what she wanted to do forever more. Lindsay is a self-proclaimed nerd, loving everything science fiction and fantasy – from epic tomes to gaming. She fell head over heels with the SFF genre when she read Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey (she even has Phedre’s marque tattooed on her back). Find her on Twitter: @lindsaymealing.

She is seeking: Science fiction, fantasy, young adult, upmarket and commercial fiction, psychological thrillers, women's fiction, and select romance.

How to submit: Please follow Lindsay's instructions for queries on her agent page at:

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Chuck Sambuchino is a former editor with the Writer's Digest writing community and author of several books, including How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack and Create Your Writer Platform.