New Literary Agent Alert: Tara Carberry of Trident Media Group

Literary agent alerts (like this one with Tara Carberry of Trident Media Group) are golden opportunities for new writers because each one is a literary agent who is likely building their client list.

As of May 2016, Tara is no longer listed on the Trident website.
I am not sure she is currently agenting. Do not query her until
you see her listed on the Trident site.


About Tara: Tara Carberry has nurtured a lifelong passion for books of all kinds. In her career as a literary agent, she is thrilled to be spending her days seeking out exceptional authors and helping them to achieve the highest degree of creative and financial success in today’s dynamic publishing marketplace.

Tara completed her undergraduate degree at Bucknell University and went on to earn a Masters degree in English and Comparative Literature from Columbia University. She subsequently held editorial positions at both Weinstein Books and W.W. Norton before coming to Trident to work for Kimberly Whalen and Erica Spellman Silverman.

At Trident, Tara has worked closely with top agents, editors and many New York Times and internationally bestselling authors to fine tune her skills and interests. Using this experience and working diligently with Trident’s excellent foreign rights, audio rights, and digital services teams, she is poised to help authors form a comprehensive strategy to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the landscape and thrive in their careers. Above all, Tara believes steadfastly in each of her client’s talent and enjoys the work of sharing this talent with readers around the world.

She is seeking: Tara is building a client list of authors at all stages of their careers. She is primarily seeking women’s commercial fiction, romance, new adult, young adult, and select nonfiction.

How to submit: [redacted]

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Chuck Sambuchino is a former editor with the Writer's Digest writing community and author of several books, including How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack and Create Your Writer Platform.