10 Synopsis Dos and Don’ts
Here are 10 keys to creating a successful synopsis.
1. Do keep in mind that this is a sales pitch. Make it a short, fast and exciting read.
2. Do establish a hook at the beginning of the synopsis. Introduce your lead character and set up a key conflict.
3. Do remember to always introduce your most important character first.
4. Do provide details about each of your central characters (age, gender, marital status, profession, etc.), but don’t do this for every character—only the primary ones.
5. Do include the characters’ motivations and emotions.
6. Do highlight pivotal plot points.
7. Do reveal your novel’s ending.
8. Don’t go into detail about what happens; just tell the reader what happens as concisely as you can.
9. Don’t inject long sections of dialogue.
10. Do write in the third person, present tense, even if your novel is written in a different point of view.
OnDemand Webinar:
The Dreaded Synopsis by Jane Friedman
Get a clear, step-by-step process for tackling your synopsis—no matter what the length requirement—as well as examples of good and bad synopsis.