3rd Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published e-Book Awards Winners

Writer’s Digest would like to congratulate the winners of the 3rd Annual Self-Published e-Book Awards. For complete coverage of the awards, see the May/June 2016 issue of Writer’s Digest. For an extended…

Writer’s Digest would like to congratulate the winners of the 3rd Annual Self-Published e-Book Awards. For complete coverage of the awards, see the May/June 2016 issue of Writer's Digest. For an extended interview with grand-prize winner Mel Anderson, click here.

Grand Prize

Eleven Regrets by Mel Anderson ($9.95 Kindle; Kindle Unlimited; $16.95 Paperback), Little Bear Publications, http://www.authormelanderson.com.

Children’s Picture Books

First Place

Nickerbacher, The Funniest Dragon by Terry John Barto and Kim Sonaugle (illustrations)($3.99 Kindle; $15.15 Paperback), Author House, http://nickerbacher.com.

Honorable Mention

Cellphone Call of the Wild by Katherine Blohm and Chris Harrington (illustrations) ($1.49 Kindle; Kindle Unlimited; $6.49 Paperback), CreateSpace, www.cellphonecallofthewild.com.

Genre Fiction

First Place

PowerHouse by Lawson Reinsch ($2.99 Kindle; $12.99 Paperback), Lawson Reinsch, http://lawsonreinsch.com.

Honorable Mentions

Crossing the Whitewashby Nick Rippington, ($2.99 Kindle; $9.45 Paperback), CreateSpace, www.theripperfile.com

Everville: The Fall of Brackenboneby Roy Huff, ($4.99 Kindle; Kindle Unlimited; $15.00 Paperback), Roy Huff, http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00WWO1CC2/.

Home: Interstellar by Ray Strong, ($2.99 Kindle), Impulse Fiction, http://impulsefiction1.blogspot.com/.

Murder by Any Other Name by Janet G. Brantley, ($2.99 Kindle; Kindle Unlimited; $13.49 Paperback), CreateSpace, http://www.wordstakingflight.com.

Raggedy Man by Clyde Curley, ($4.99 Kindle), Cedar Forge Press, http://www.clydecurley.com.

The Rival by Sandra Gustafsson, ($2.99 Kindle; $5.80 Paperback), CreateSpace, http://sandragustafsson.se.


First Place

Honorable Mention

The Preacher’s Promiseby Piper Huguley, ($3.99 Kindle; $12.99 Paperback), http://piperhuguley.com/.

Life Stories

First Place

In the Land of Shiva by James O’Hara ($3.99 Kindle; Kindle Unlimited; $18.22 Paperback), Leandros Publishing, www.inthelandofshiva.com.

Honorable Mention

The Olive Picker by Kathryn Brettell ($5.99 Kindle; Kindle Unlimited; $12.99 Paperback), Jazz Dog Press, www.facebook.com/pages/The-Olive-Picker-A-Memoir.

Mainstream/Literary Fiction

First Place

The Firesteel by Ash Huang ($7.99 Kindle; Kindle Unlimited; Hardcover $26.00), The Canny Valley, thefiresteel.com.

Honorable Mentions

After the Sucker Punch by Lorraine Devon Wilke ($5.99 Kindle; $13.95 Paperback), CreateSpace, www.lorrainedevonwilke.com.

Ledbetter Street by Susan P. Baker ($3.99 Kindle; Kindle Unlimited; $15.75 Paperback), BookBaby, www.susanpbaker.net.

My Summer with Gramps by Ignatius Ryan ($2.99 Kindle; Kindle Unlimited; $8.99 Paperback), CreateSpace, www.amazon.com/My-Summer-Gramps-Ignatius-Ryan.

Middle Grade/Young Adult Fiction

First Place

Flicker by Melanie Hooyenga ($0.99 Kindle; $13.99 Paperback), Left-Handed Mitten Publications (CreateSpace), www.melaniehoo.com.

Honorable Mention

A Healing Spirit by Melissa A. Hanson ($2.99 Kindle; $12.00 Paperback), MAH, www.mahwriting.com.


First Place

Just One Backyard: One Man’s Search for Food Sustainability by Dr. John Zahina-Ramos ($9.99 Kindle; $17.99 Paperback), John Zahina-Ramos/Kindle Direct Publishing, http://justonebackyard.net/dr-zs-book-now-available/.

Honorable Mention

White Lady, Black Sons: A Memoir of Adoption, Abuse and Awakeningby Lisa Richesson ($4.99 Kindle; Kindle Unlimited; $15.25 Paperback), CreateSpace, https://lisarichesson.wordpress.com/.


First Place

Princes and Pumpkins by David Hatfield Sparks ($6.99 Kindle; $15.99 Paperback), Xlibris, http://bookstore.xlibris.com/Products/SKU-0134785003/PRINCES--PUMPKINS.aspx.

Honorable Mention

Cloud Compass: New and Selected Poems by Marta Knobloch ($2.99 Kindle; Kindle Unlimited; $14.00 Paperback), Cyberwit.net, www.amazon.com/Cloud-Compass-Marta-Knobloch/.

Chelsea Henshey is an Associate Editor for Writer's Digest Books.