More Writing Life Advice
I stumbled upon more writing life advice and thought I’d share it with all of you. I know I am always hungry for this type of information. There is something…
I stumbled upon more writing life advice and thought I’d
share it with all of you. I know I am always hungry for this type of
information. There is something comforting about hearing how others live and
write, what their trials and tribulations have been, how they make it work. I
enjoy the advice, too, but understand that everyone’s life is different and if
just one tiny morsel of advice can stick then I’ve lucked out. I remember
meeting an author I admire at a function once and she told me this: “You must
husband your writing time. You must protect it.” This author woke up at 5 am
every day and wrote for hours. She turned off her phone, said no to visitors,
forgot about everything else—housework, chores, errands—until her writing time
was completed. This piece of advice sticks with me. So does this piece from a
mentor: “Have fun, crack yourself up, enjoy it.” Such simple advice, but we do seem
to often forget it. We forget about the
play in writing. It’s good to remember why we embarked on this goal in the
first place: because we actually enjoy it. And so here is more advice, great advice from Po Bronson who is well known for his book What Should I Do with My Life. The
following is just an excerpt from Po’s writing advice. You can read his
complete advice here.
“It takes an
average of ten years dedication before you can make a living writing creatively
full time. Even those who succeed early are often rewarded with praise too
early, trapping them in a yet-to-mature phase as they attempt to repeat their
success. It all evens out over time. Finding a way to allow yourself the time,
to buy time as you mature into your writing, is the biggest ‘how to.’
The writing life
is lonely. Taking some of that loneliness out of it helps you to hang in there.
Create a supportive environment that allows you to give it the kind of time it
takes. Book clubs, workshops through bookstores, extended ed classes, graduate
writing programs – they may not teach you to write, but they can support you
and give you time.
Don’t be jealous
of others’ success. Jealousy and envy are the enemy of genuine creativity. Wish
others well and hope to join them someday.
Failure is part
of it. You will be rejected dozens and dozens of times. The best way to prepare
for it is to have something else in the works by the time the rejection letter
arrives. Invest your hope in the next project. Learning to cope with rejection
is a good trait to develop.”
“Allow for many paths to your goal.
Do not fixate on one path, because then you are likely to give up when that
path is blocked.”
-Po Bronson

Jane Friedman is a full-time entrepreneur (since 2014) and has 20 years of experience in the publishing industry. She is the co-founder of The Hot Sheet, the essential publishing industry newsletter for authors, and is the former publisher of Writer’s Digest. In addition to being a columnist with Publishers Weekly and a professor with The Great Courses, Jane maintains an award-winning blog for writers at Jane’s newest book is The Business of Being a Writer (University of Chicago Press, 2018).