Serfitt & Cloye Gift Catalog
The Serfitt & Cloye Gift Catalog now has an online home, with an opportunity to join Serfitt & Cloye’s Highest Society. What’s the Highest Society, you may ask? The world…
The Serfitt & Cloye Gift Catalog now has an online home, with an opportunity to join Serfitt & Cloye's Highest Society.
What's the Highest Society, you may ask?
The world at large may venerate and aspire to the Serfitt & Cloye
brand, but very, very few people actually are or ever will become Serfitt & Cloye
customers. It was designed that way, they like it that way. And,
thankfully, enduring patrician inbreeding should permit Serfitt & Cloye to stay that
course indefinitely.
Of course, such an intentionally restricted
customer base means that those who do purchase Serfitt & Cloye's superlative
super-luxury products and services are tremendously important, even
precious. Consequently, the essential objective of Serfitt & Cloye is to
overindulge and overfulfill each rarefied heir and Forbes 'Richest'
List-aire they serve.
Which is precisely why Serfitt & Cloye created The Highest Society. Those who join The Highest Society are
eligible to receive private electronic mail updates regarding the
latest Serfitt & Cloye news, products, events, secret societies,
lobbying efforts, snubbings, blackballings and much more. Membership is
free. (Optional Dolce & Gabbana-designed platinum membership shield
with name inlaid in ivory: $250,000.).
don't delay. Enrollment is limited to the first person to sign up.
Because, as you know, any group worth joining is worth excluding
everyone else from. Visit this page and complete the form to see if it's you who will
be received into The Highest Society.

Jane Friedman is a full-time entrepreneur (since 2014) and has 20 years of experience in the publishing industry. She is the co-founder of The Hot Sheet, the essential publishing industry newsletter for authors, and is the former publisher of Writer’s Digest. In addition to being a columnist with Publishers Weekly and a professor with The Great Courses, Jane maintains an award-winning blog for writers at Jane’s newest book is The Business of Being a Writer (University of Chicago Press, 2018).