30 Reasons to Read Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market 2018 (Plus a Giveaway!)
Yesterday was the official pub date of the Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market 2018, though it’s been available in bookstores and on Amazon beforehand. The new edition is updated and…
Yesterday was the official pub date of the Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market 2018, though it's been available in bookstores and on Amazon beforehand.
The new edition is updated and packed with brand new info. While there are plenty of places you can turn to for information on the children's publishing industry, CWIM has always prided itself as being the biggest print edition and the most thorough. It’s the Yellow Pages for children's markets, with interviews, roundups, and informative articles. That’s why it’s in its 30th edition. In honor of this edition, here’s 30 reasons why you should pick up your copy of CWIM—or enter the competition below to win a free one!
Grab the latest edition of Children's Writer's
& Illustrator's Market online at a discount!
PLEASE NOTE: The below contest is now CLOSED. The winners were Wendy Klenetsky, Lenne' Musarra, and Diane Mayr. Thanks for participating!
A GIVEAWAY: Send me an email at cris.freese@fwmedia.com, with the subject line “What I Love About CWIM” and tell me the thing you enjoy the most about the print edition of Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market. In three weeks (deadline November 10, 2017), I’ll pick 3 random winners to win a copy of the book! And if you optionally tweet news of this giveaway and the publication date of CWIM, I’ll give you 2 entries into the contest instead of just the one. Just tweet the following, then email me with your Twitter handle: @WritersDigest is giving away 3 copies of the new 2018 Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market – http://bit.ly/2hSgVUm via @crisfreese.
1. The Same Great Content. Hundreds of updated listings for book publishers, magazines, conferences, contests, and agents—all with a focus on picture books, middle-grade, and young adult audiences. Plus informative articles and interviews to help you grow as a writer. It’s the same Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market that you’ve come to expect over the years, just with a new editor.
2. More Original Content. I commissioned brand-new articles, interviews, and roundups for this issue—content that hasn't been seen online, in Writer's Digest magazine, or in Writer's Digest Books. This is the only place you can find this content, and it's entirely tailored for children's writers.
3. Authors Breaking Out and Leading the Way. Looking for inspiration? This edition features 21 writers who broke out, signed with an agent, and got published. If you're writing middle-grade fiction, young adult fiction, or crafting a picture book, turn to the Debut Authors Tell All feature to discover how these authors made their way.
4. More Debut Authors! I needed a second point to talk about the Debut Authors Tell All feature, because I love it so much. Seven picture book authors, eight middle-grade authors, and six young adult authors. That includes Mike Malbrough, Alyson Gerber, Jodi Kendall, Corabel Shofner, Ellie Terry, New York Times bestselling author Angie Thomas, Tiffany Jackson, and more. At least one of these awesome authors will motivate you with their story.
5. An Exclusive Webinar. The amazing Jennifer De Chiara—who heads up her own literary agency—provided an exclusive webinar on perfecting your query letter for the children's market. You can only view it if you pick up a copy of this book.
6. Create Unforgettable Characters. Debbie Dadey, who has authors or co-authored 166 traditionally-published children's books, shares ways writers can make readers fall in love with their characters.
7. Discover Your Writing Voice. Laurel Snyder, author of six novels for children, shares distinct methods and techniques for developing the writing voice you need to stand out. Consider it your "writing superpower," with 12 ways to supercharge your voice.
8. Perfect Your Dialogue. Whether you're crafting a picture book for young readers or working on a novel for the middle-grade and young adult audiences, dialogue is the tool for transporting readers through your story. Veteran teacher Kerrie Flanagan shows off techniques for mastering dialogue in each category.
9.Discover Supporters. If you're going to succeed, you need people to get behind you. And as a children's author, teachers and librarians can be a huge proponent for your career. Discover an article for tapping into the world of speaking at libraries and schools, and building relationships with librarians and teachers.
10. Target Your Short Writing. Windy Lynn Harris, author of Writing & Selling Short Stories & Personal Essays, has mastered the art of helping writers target specific markets to sell their short work. I asked her to find ten markets for children's short fiction. She delivered (making your job easier in searching through the listings!), plus provided tips for writing a cover letter, formatting your manuscript, getting organized, and writing nonfiction articles for kids.
11. Kwame Alexander. The New York Times bestselling author took some time to sit down with CWIM to talk about the importance of always saying yes!
12. KennethOppel. The award-winning author of The Silverwing Trilogy and Airborn, Oppel knows children's fiction. He's published more than 20 novels, and is only just getting started. Discover his advice for writers looking to break in, how to hook readers, and discovering your muse.
13. Dandi Daley Mackall. Dandi has written more than 500 children's and adult's books. Yet, somehow, she found time for an interview and enough wisdom to inspire anyone. She shares her writing process, how to handle bad first drafts, and dealing with rejection.
14. Mindy McGinnis. Her complex stories and compelling characters put you through the emotional ringer—you'll fall in love, want to scream at them, root for them during trying times, cry during hardships, and triumph in their success. The author of Not a Drop to Drink, A Madness So Discreet, The Female of the Species, and Given to the Sea shares her story of how it took 10 years to get an agent, handling speaking engagements, and winning the Edgar Allan Poe Award.
15. Kirby Larson. A writer of historical fiction for children, Larson shares her experiences on collaborating with co-workers on fiction and reaching out within the children's writing community.
16. Carolyn Crimi. Stuck in one genre or category? Read this interview with Crimi to discover how a bestselling picture book author learned to engage young readers with humor and transform her career into a successful novelist.
The biggest literary agent database anywhere
is the Guide to Literary Agents. Pick up the
most recent updated edition online at a discount.
17. Handle the Change. Publishing is a rapidly evolving world—one that's intimidating for newcomers and those writers just breaking in. Listen to three accomplished authors—Lisa J. Amstutz, Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton, and Dandi Daley Mackall—discuss the ways that the picture book market has changed, where it's going, and which authors to really follow.
18. Small Presses. Look, it's everyone's dream to land an agent and nab a six-figure deal with one of the Big Five. But don't discount small presses. Three authors share their stories, and the advantages and disadvantages, of working with small publishers.
19. Hear Directly from Agents! Kelly Sonnack, John Rudolph, Sara Megibow, and Jennifer March Soloway explain exactly what they're looking for in today's literary landscape, including what catches their eye, how to write a great query, and the importance of platform.
20. Breaking Into Nonfiction. A roundup of children's writers, who write primarily nonfiction, talk about breaking into their respective market. Remember: You don't have to write fiction to break out! This article is for all those looking to focus on nonfiction, or those looking to expand and stretch their own writing skills.
21. Dan Santat, author of Oh No! (Or How My Science Project Destroyed the World): "I began my career using Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market as a resource for getting my foot into the children's publishing industry. I highly recommend this book for anyone!"
22. Jay Asher, author of Thirteen Reasons Why: "Whenever anyone asks for publishing advice, I tell them to grab the latest edition of Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market."
23. Adam Shaughnessy, author of The Unbelievable FIB series: "CWIM was one of the first books I purchased when I decided to start the journey to get published. It's a great resource both in terms of the information it provides and its welcoming, accessible tone."
24. Deborah Marcero, illustrator of the Backyard Witch series: "I found my literary agent/art rep in the Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market."
25. Wendy Toliver, author of Lifted: "If you're serious about writing or illustrating for young people, the information, tools, and insights within the Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market will get you started on the right path."
26. Becca Fitzpatrick, author of Hush, Hush: "Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Market is invaluable for writers of children's books. Chock-full of publishing resources, it's a must-have!"
27. Suzanne Kamata, author of Gadget Girl: The Art of Being Invisible: "I look forward to Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market every year, and I use it all the time. This book is essential for both pre-published and pros."
28. Jesse Klausmeier, author of Open This Little Book: "I buy a copy of Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market every single year. It's the definitive, must-have resource for children's publishing."
29. Meg Cabot, author of The Princess Diaries: "Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market is a great resource for artists and writers who are ready to share their talent with the world."
30. James Dashner, author of The Maze Runner: "CWIM is an invaluable resource for any aspiring writer hoping to get published. It helped me a lot and I recommend it to everyone."
If you’re an agent looking to update your information or an author interested in contributing to the GLA blog or the next edition of the book, contact Writer’s Digest Books Managing Editor Cris Freese at cris.freese@fwmedia.com.

Cris Freese is a technical writer, professional book editor, literary intern, and the former managing editor of Writer's Digest Books. Cris also edited the annual guides Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market and Guide to Literary Agents, while also curating, editing, and writing all content for GLA's online companion. crisfreese.com