An Interview With Writer Michael Seese, Winner of Tunesday Volume 1

Recently, I started a new challenge on the GLA Blog called “Tunesday.” I play musical riffs on the guitar or piano and ask people to identify the riffs. Volume 2 is live right now (through Dec. 19, 2012). But the winner of the first edition of Tunesday was guitar riff wizard Michael Seese. As part of winning the contest, he gets an interview on the GLA Blog. Learn more about Michael, his current helpful e-books, and his path to get published!

Recently, I started a new challenge on the GLA Blog called "Tunesday." I play musical riffs on the guitar or piano and ask people to identify the riffs. Volume 2 is live right now (through Dec. 19, 2012). But the winner of the first edition of Tunesday was guitar riff wizard Michael Seese. As part of winning the contest, he gets an interview on the GLA Blog. Learn more about Michael, his current helpful books & e-books, and his path to get published!

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your writing.

I am a former journalist, but my current day job is in information security for a regional bank. Or, as my son could say even at age three, "Daddy keeps people's money safe." I have published three books: HAUNTING VALLEY, a collection of fictional ghost stories centered around my home town; SCRAPPY INFORMATION SECURITY, which teaches us all how to keep the cyber-criminals away; and SCRAPPY BUSINESS CONTINGENCY PLANNING, which teaches corporate BCP professionals how to prepare for bad things. What else about me? My wife and I used to enjoy movies, or shall I say, cinema ... before kids. Now we enjoy "Cars" and "Toy Story." We also used to enjoy traveling ... before kids. Now we enjoy visiting places that feature a pool and abundant nearby playgrounds.

(Editor's note for those interested in purchasing the titles: Michael's "Scrappy" books are available in both hardcover and e-books. "Haunting valley" is available in e-book form only.)

What are you working on right now?

Right now, I'm trying to find an agent for two novels I have recently completed. Nightmares is a YA thriller about a dream manipulation therapy which has the unfortunate side effect of creating flesh-and-blood monsters. No Strings Attached is a collection of seven interconnected literary fiction short stories woven around the theme of strings, and how different lives, places, and times can be tied together.

Favorite book?

The dictionary. I figure that all the other books are in there. Seriously, I do enjoy cracking open the dictionary and just reading. How else would one learn of a great word like "abecedarian."

You won the Tunesday (volume 1) contest. You're obviously a musical whiz. What's your musical background?

I began playing guitar when I was nine years old, and learned bass a few years later. I've been in bands for most of my life, though I've had to curtail that since the kids came along. I've played everything from rock to punk to swing / lounge. These days, my main musical outlet is an annual weekend-long acoustic guitar party that my wife and I attend every year in Scenery Hill, Pennsylvania.

Favorite band?

Only one? The Beatles, of course. Though if I could slip in a few more, Duran Duran, Lush, Rasputina, and Liz Phair.


My website is I'm on Facebook, though not much. And I occasionally share alleged words of wisdom via @MSeeseTweets

What do you enjoy most about being an author?

There are two answers to this. One, I truly love the writing process itself: sitting down, typing furiously for an hour or two, and just seeing what comes out. It's really an amazing experience. Two, even though I'm not always thrilled with what I call "meta writing" -- that is, stuff like blogging -- I really can't put into words how wonderful I have found the online author community to be ever since I started blogging. I am so very grateful to people such as agent Janet Reid and you -- as well as my fellow aspiring writers -- who give so much of themselves to help others. It's cooperative and supportive and really embodies the ideal of "pay it forward."

Thank you, Michael, for the fun interview. Good luck with all your writing!

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Chuck Sambuchino is a former editor with the Writer's Digest writing community and author of several books, including How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack and Create Your Writer Platform.