Book Doctors and Freelance Editors

Q. I’m just wondering: If I needed an editor and/or ghost writer for my book, where would I acquire one? Now, I’m not done with my book, I only got…

Q. I'm just wondering: If I needed an editor and/or ghost writer for my book, where would I acquire one? Now, I'm not done with my book, I only got a few chapters done. But does that matter, or do I have to have my novel completed before I can get an editor and or ghost writer for my novel? How much would it cost, and so on?
- Jared

A. Ah, yes - good question. Where do you find one? You should NOT just go Googling or looking in the back of publications through small classified ads. That's a quick way to get teamed up with someone who isn't reputable. The best way - and the only way that I recommend - is to get a referral. Meet other writers through good sites and find out who they used. Research these editors. Usually, editors will critique a few pages for free so you can see their style; utilize this service. I believe that some sites like SCBWI even have a list of "recommended" editors. If so, you know those people are reputable, and that's something to look into.
You can employ a freelance editor at any stage of the game, so, in theory, you don't need to be completely finished, if that's the way you want to go.
Cost varies. It depends on if you want editing simply for grammar, or if you want in-depth work on character, plot, etc. Editing can run you anywhere from $1.50 to $5 per double-spaced page.

Chuck Sambuchino is a former editor with the Writer's Digest writing community and author of several books, including How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack and Create Your Writer Platform.