Do Literary Agents Steal Ideas? What About Editors and Publishers?

Do literary agents steal ideas? Do editors and publishers? Is there any way to protect yourself? Find the answers here.

Do literary agents steal ideas? Do editors and publishers? Is there any way to protect yourself? Find the answers here.

Over the years, few things have stayed the same in the writing and publishing business, but one constant is that there's always that one person at every writing event I attend who is extremely worried that agents, editors, and publishers will steal their ideas. In fact, that one person usually uses this possibility as a reason to avoid submitting their work at all.

Since there's always at least one person who says something, I know it's a common worry for some writers. And that sets up a difficult situation, since most writers want to get published, which is usually done by submitting work to agents, editors, and publishers.

So let's look at whether writers need to worry about the possibility of their ideas being stolen by literary agents, editors, and publishers.

If you love to write and have a story you want to tell, the only thing that can stand between you and the success you’re seeking isn’t craft, or a good agent, or enough Facebook friends and Twitter followers, but fear. Fear that you aren’t good enough, or fear the market is too crowded, or fear no one wants to hear from you. Fortunately, you can’t write while being in the flow and be afraid simultaneously. The question is whether you will write fearlessly.

Do Literary Agents Steal Ideas?

The quick answer to this question is no. I won't say it's impossible or that it hasn't been done, but I'm not aware of a specific case in the 20 years I've been in the publishing business. In that same time, there have been thousands upon thousands of original books published—many with the assistance of literary agents.

What's more likely is that multiple writers have similar ideas. Let's say there are ten writers who write a novel about a school for witches and wizards. One gets published. Did that one author steal the other nine writers' ideas? Of course not.

In fact, a school for witches and wizards on its own isn't even the most original idea. Before the Harry Potter series, there were The Worst Witch series of books by Jill Murphy about Mildred Hubble. However, the Harry Potter books are so popular, because J.K. Rowling put a new spin on a familiar idea and executed her story to near perfection.

And that's the main idea about agents and editors stealing ideas. They don't need to steal ideas, because they see incredible ideas every day—even in projects they reject. What they desire are great ideas paired with magnificent execution.

A Final Thought on Stealing Ideas

Is it possible for someone to steal your incredible idea? Of course. But most writers find that doesn't happen until after they've been published and found success as authors. Then, everyone wants to write the next great magic novel, vampire romance, and/or YA dystopia.

Spend less time worrying about idea theft and more time crafting a great novel or nonfiction book that will inspire a new trend in publishing. Because writers are more likely to become bestsellers than have their ideas stolen by a literary agent. That's not magic; it's just a reality.

Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Editor of Writer's Digest, which includes managing the content on and programming virtual conferences. He's the author of 40 Plot Twist Prompts for Writers: Writing Ideas for Bending Stories in New Directions, The Complete Guide of Poetic Forms: 100+ Poetic Form Definitions and Examples for Poets, Poem-a-Day: 365 Poetry Writing Prompts for a Year of Poeming, and more. Also, he's the editor of Writer's Market, Poet's Market, and Guide to Literary Agents. Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer.