Eberhardt Moves to Reece Halsey North

Editor’s note: As of 2011, April has formedher own agency. See her new website here. ———- April Eberhardt has recently left the Andrea Brown Literary Agency and moved to Reece…

Editor's note: As of 2011, April has formed
her own agency. See her new website here.


April Eberhardt
has recently left the Andrea Brown Literary Agency and moved to Reece Halsey North. ABLA confirmed the move to me recently. Both agencies are located in the Bay Area.

Here is what she is looking for: "Her specialty is adult literary fiction, particularly ironic family dramas and realistic midlife tales, often with a twist, preferably involving strong female characters. She is attracted to collections of interlinked stories with a common character or theme. An original voice and smart, speedy delivery are critical, as is a subtle sense of the absurd. She enjoys working with new authors to edit and streamline their manuscripts before submitting them to publishers. April does consider selected nonfiction works. She does not represent mysteries or murders, thrillers, historical fiction or fantasy, nor does she represent children's titles."

Chuck Sambuchino is a former editor with the Writer's Digest writing community and author of several books, including How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack and Create Your Writer Platform.