Footnotes: 4 Articles on Self-Publishing
Footnotes is a recurring series on the GLA blog where I pick a subject and provide several interesting articles on said topic. This week, I’m serving up four articles on self-publishing….
Footnotes is a recurring series on the GLA blog where I pick a subject and provide several interesting articles on said topic. This week, I’m serving up four articles on self-publishing.
1. Is it soup yet? Becky Levine raises the question: How do you know if your self-published manuscript is ready for primetime?
2. Do you still need a publisher if you go the ebook route? JA Konrath discusses the advantages of self publishing via ebook.
3. Reeling ‘em in. You can hook an agent for your self-published book with a solid sales record—and a little finesse.
4. Should you self publish? Nathan Bransford provides 10 questions to ask yourself before answering yes.

Nancy Parish runs the blog, The Sound and Furry. She is a contributing editor to the GLA blog and runs the Footnotes series. She is currently writing novels for children.