Footnotes: 5 Articles on Knowing When to Submit

“The most valuable of talents is that of never using two words when one will do.”– Thomas Jefferson Footnotes is a recurring series on the GLA blog where I pick a subject…

"The most valuable of talents is that of never using two words when one will do."
- Thomas Jefferson

Footnotes is a recurring series on the GLA blog where I pick a subject and provide several interesting articles on said topic. This week, I’m serving up five articles on that burning question how do you know your manuscript is ready to submit.

1. When is a manuscript finished? Agent Mary Kole answers a blog reader’s question.

2. Just submit the dang thing.
Know when the time is right to submit your manuscript? Writer Karen Krueger gives her perspective.

3. Ready to Query? Agent Jessica Faust suggests a good edit before you touch that send button.

4. Is it soup yet?
On the Author 2 Author blog, they ponder the question: When is a manuscript ready to be submitted?

5. If you think your manuscript may have a problem—it does. Chuck Sambuchino discusses the reasons your sample pages are getting rejected.

Nancy Parish runs the blog, The Sound and Furry. She is a contributing editor to the GLA blog and runs the Footnotes seriesShe is currently writing novels for children.