Formatting & Submitting Your Manuscript: The Awesome Third Edition

This is so cool. Very soon after holding a copy of the new 2010 Guide to Literary Agents in my hand last summer, I got some more good news: my other new…

This is so cool. Very soon after holding a copy of the new 2010 Guide to Literary Agents in my hand last summer, I got some more good news: my other new book, Formatting & Submitting Your Manuscript, 3rd Ed. is out and available now. Awesomeness.

When asked if I would helm the third edition of Formatting & Submitting Your Manuscript, 3rd Ed., I said yes immediately. After all, I kept the second edition right next to my desk at work and consulted it all the time—it would be an honor to update it. My only worry was: How can I make this good book better?

My solution: New query examples and new article examples—and lots of ‘em, baby.

There’s a reason that this book warranted a third edition. It has more than 100 examples of queries and articles and everything else writing-related. It doesn’t just tell you how to format something, it shows you—with sample queries and submissions that are well constructed, while also showing what to do and what not to do when contacting publishing professionals.

Making submissions look pristine is not an easy task, no matter what you’re writing. Are you confused as to how to format a magazine query or sidebar? I'll show you how to do it. What about formatting a screenplay or a film treatment? I've got examples of those, too. Or what about stage plays, picture books, graphic novels, fiction, book proposals and everything else? Yep—it’s all in here. On top of the examples, this book has hundreds of pages of general submissions tips and info—the dos and don’ts when sending your work to editors and agents.

It all adds up to giving writers the best shot of getting their work read and published—whether you want to call it getting ahead of the curve, to the head of the class, or just to the front of line.

Maybe you’re ready to submit but want to make your work perfect, or maybe you’re just starting out and don’t know whether that idea is a novel or a screenplay. Either way, this is a book that can truly assist you in your writing journey. What's so cool about this book is that no matter what you’re composing, Formatting & Submitting Your Manuscript, 3rd Ed.can help you do it right. After all, it helped me; why not you, too?

Chuck Sambuchino is a former editor with the Writer's Digest writing community and author of several books, including How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack and Create Your Writer Platform.