The Wind Up… and the Pitch
Hey, TV writers– If you have an idea for the next Flight of the Conchords, Burn Notice, or Nurse Jackie (which, by the way, I just started watching this week–…
Hey, TV writers--
If you have an idea for the next Flight of the Conchords, Burn Notice, or Nurse Jackie (which, by the way, I just started watching this week-- really funny!) but aren't sure how to sell it, I'd love to see you next Tuesday, when I'm teaching my pitching seminar for mediabistro here in LA! It's a great seminar and a fun night... here's the scoop...
You've seen the perfect TV show. It's got great characters, weekly
cliffhangers, comedy, drama -- everything you could want in a hit
series. There's just one problem: it's still in your head.
This seminar will help take your idea from seed to sale. After all,
selling your show isn't merely the first step in bringing your vision
to life; it's the most important step. What are networks looking for?
How should a pitch be structured? When's the best time to pitch? Do you
need a franchise? Does attaching talent help?
We will break pitching into three stages: honing your idea, crafting the pitch itself, and getting your foot in the door with producers and executives.
We'll examine different kinds of shows and the necessary elements of
each. We'll then discuss how to structure a pitch to make it accessible
to producers, writers, and executives. Lastly, we'll explore the business
of pitching; not only how to gauge the marketplace to make your idea
irresistible, but how to navigate television's labyrinthine
network/studio system and what you can expect once you get there.
In this seminar, you will learn:
- The necessary elements every show -- and every pitch -- must have
- The difference between different types of shows, and how to pitch them accordingly
- How to structure a pitch, both verbally and as a written document
- Who you want to pitch to at networks, studios, and production companies
- When to attach actors, writers, or directors to your idea, and when not to
- What to expect when you're in the room, making your pitch, and what happens when you leave
Click here for more information...
WHEN: Tuesday, July 28, 7-10 pm
WHERE: Beverly Hills Bar Assoc., 300 S. Beverly Dr., 2nd Fl., Beverly Hills, CA 90212
COST: $65 ($50 for avantguild members)
TO SIGN UP: Call 212-547-7890 or click HERE
Hope you can make it... and to get you in the mood, here's a great pitching sketch from The Whitest Kids You Know.

Chuck Sambuchino is a former editor with the Writer's Digest writing community and author of several books, including How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack and Create Your Writer Platform.