Why Do Literary Agents Take So Long to Respond to Submissions?
Why do literary agents take so long to respond to submissions from writers? Is it personal? Are there things writers can do to speed up the process? Find the answers here.
After working nearly 20 years as an editor helping writers get their work published, I've decided to start a new series of posts in which I answer frequently asked questions related to the business of writing. I've been asked so many questions over the years, but some of them pop up multiple times every year—whether via email or at live events (or as small talk with people who learn I'm an editor).
For instance, why do literary agents take so long to respond to submissions? I know when I was younger, I often tried divining what a long response time from an editor meant. Did it mean my piece would be rejected? Or did it mean the writing was moving deeper in the publishing process? Of course, I often worried the submission got lost—or worse, it was so bad that no response would ever make its way back to me.
What I've learned over the past two decades in publishing is that the reason behind long response times is probably not what you think. And it can change from agent to agent.
Why Do Literary Agents Take So Long to Respond to Submissions?
The simple answer to this question (and usually the correct answer) is that literary agents are busy. Most agents spend their days working for their active clients, because they make their money after securing deals for the authors they represent. So they need to service their current clients first to keep the lights on, and that's a good thing for you if an agent is representing you.
As such, literary agents—especially established literary agents—have to squeeze time for finding new clients into moments when they're not busy with their primary task: Representing their authors.
Writing strong first pages requires a great hook, a strong voice, and a clear premise. The first sentence should immediately catch the reader’s attention, while the subsequent text should leave the reader wanting to dive further into the pages of the manuscript. But making the first pages of your story absolutely un-putdownable takes practice, patience, revision, and an eye for detail. Which is why we’re here: to discuss what to do (and not to do) to make your opening pages stand-out. This course is designed for writers who are ready to roll up their sleeves and take their opening pages to the next level.
Are There Things Writers Can Do to Speed Up the Process?
I'm going to be honest: A long response time might be unavoidable. Even if the agent really wants to respond as soon as possible, publishing is often an unpredictable business that offers up moments of relative calm (and fast responses) and moments of chaos (and slow—or no—responses).
That said, here are a couple things writers can do to try and speed up the process:
- Follow the submission guidelines. Agents and editors create submission guidelines to streamline their review process. Help out by following their directions.
- Follow up when appropriate. The submission guidelines may recommend a good time to follow up on submissions if you haven't heard anything. If so, follow their directions. If not, give your submission a month before politely following up.
Quick note on following up: Some agents actually note in their guidelines that they only respond if interested. In such cases, you can try following up, but you may never receive a response unless they're interested. At least, they're up front about it.
As a writer myself, I know how frustrating long response times can be, especially for a project that you've devoted a great deal of time and energy to creating and that you want to share with the world. But always remember to stay professional and understanding of the tasks and time constraints agents are facing as well.
Don't wait forever for agent responses, but don't take long response times personally. Most of the time the response time has absolutely nothing to do with your submission.

Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Editor of Writer's Digest, which includes managing the content on WritersDigest.com and programming virtual conferences. He's the author of 40 Plot Twist Prompts for Writers: Writing Ideas for Bending Stories in New Directions, The Complete Guide of Poetic Forms: 100+ Poetic Form Definitions and Examples for Poets, Poem-a-Day: 365 Poetry Writing Prompts for a Year of Poeming, and more. Also, he's the editor of Writer's Market, Poet's Market, and Guide to Literary Agents. Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer.