The Yoga of Writing Personal Retreat

Feeling blocked? Battling procrastination? Need to heal an emotional wound before you can concentrate on your writing? Consider a personal retreat through The Yoga of Writing.

Feeling blocked? Battling procrastination? Need to heal an emotional wound before you can concentrate on your writing? Consider a personal retreat through The Yoga of Writing. Stay in a charming cabin in a scenic locale near Taos, N.M., and receive 90 minutes per day of private yoga and writing instruction from Monique Parker, who has an MFA in Creative Writing, is certified as a Svastha Yoga teacher, and is a lecturer of English composition and creative writing at the University of New Mexico-Taos.

Before your retreat, Parker studies your intake survey, which provides her with your personal history: health, habits of mind, fitness level, spiritual and writing goals, current writing projects, aspirations and influences. “From there I develop a writing practice or ritual that one might use to jump-start their writing, which may incorporate prompts, walking meditations, Vedic chanting, Pranayama (breathing exercises) and most certainly asanas (yoga poses),” she says. “Yoga releases emotions, ideas, thoughts, feelings and stories.”

When: Year-round
Where: Latir, N.M.
How much: $150 per day
For more info:

Parker also offers Yoga of Writing workshops through the University of New Mexico-Taos. The next workshop will be in the spring of 2009 (dates to be determined) and tuition costs $56 for the entire weekend. To learn more, contact UNM-Taos at (505)737-6200.

Formichelli is the author of How to Do It All: The Revolutionary Plan to Create a Full, Meaningful Life — While Only Occasionally Wanting to Poke Your Eyes Out With a Sharpie, which is available now at Amazon.

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