AI vs. Human Creation (From Script)

In this week’s roundup brought to us by Script magazine, entertainment lawyer Christian Simonds answers questions about copyright, utilizing AI as a tool, what the future holds for writers negotiating terms, and more.

In this week’s roundup brought to us by Script magazine, entertainment lawyer Christian Simonds answers questions about copyright, utilizing AI as a tool, what the future holds for writers negotiating terms, and more. Plus, read exclusive interviews with “The Handmaid’s Tale” creator and showrunner Bruce Miller, and Hello Tomorrow! creators Amit Bhalla and Lucas Jansen.

SELLING YOUR SCREENPLAY: Ep. 485 - Writing a Screenplay in Two Days with Franklin Ritch

This week Ashley Scott Meyers talks with writer/director Franklin Ritch about his new feature, The Artifice Girl (2022) which Franklin Ritch wrote, directed, and acted in.

How “Hello Tomorrow!” Creators Amit Bhalla and Lucas Jansen Pulled Off a Storytelling Triple Lutz

Creators and co-showrunners Amit Bhalla and Lucas Jansen spoke with Script about world-building, tapping into character voices, the work ethos that they learned under the tutelage of David Milch, and how their writing partnership is like playing jazz.

The Inner Framework of Season Five of “The Handmaid’s Tale”: A Conversation with Creator and Showrunner Bruce Miller

Creator and showrunner, Bruce Miller, returns to Script and talks about his love for the show (he is the show's #1 fan, without a doubt), being on the nose with music, his creative collaboration with Elisabeth Moss, the importance of promoting his team, and more!

Plot to Thrill: Creating a Story for an Audience That’s Already Seen Every Story

In this live webinar taught by William Rabkin, you'll learn the tricks, the gimmicks, and the honest plotting moves that allow these shows to keep even the most jaded audiences in constant suspense.

AI vs. Human Creation: A Conversation with Entertainment Lawyer Christian Simonds

Christian Simonds, entertainment lawyer, and leading partner at Reed Smith's Entertainment & Media Industry Group, answers questions about copyright, utilizing AI as a tool, what the future holds for writers negotiating terms, and more.