Create an Author Website in 24 Hours or Less

An author website connects the dots among the many things you do online. Digital media and publishing expert Jane Friedman will teach you how to get a basic website up and running in a day or less, plus more from Writer’s Digest!

Every professional author needs their own website, and the best time to start is when you’re not under pressure to get one up in time for an important event or book launch. Even if you haven’t published anything yet, establishing a website before you really need it forces you to think through important questions for your early career: What should your bio say? What do you want readers to know about you? What belongs in your website tagline? And what kind of site aesthetic best represents your work?

In this live two-hour intensive webinar, digital media and publishing expert Jane Friedman will teach you how to use WordPress to get a basic website up and running in a day or less—often in one evening! If you have a neglected or abandoned website (or dusty blog), you’ll get inspired to revisit it and ensure you’re getting the most out of it.

Last Chance to Sign Up for What Agents and Editors are Looking for in First Pages!

Writing your query is the first step to grabbing the agents' attention, however, many writers are not aware that agents sometimes go directly to the first pages to see if the writing is something to have a closer look at. Join agent Katie Shea Boutillier to discuss in detail what we are looking for when we approach your first pages.

Katie will provide a step-by-step demonstration of the importance of strong first pages, focusing on voice, tone, mood, setting, urgency, pace, description, dialogue, and a natural approach to your characters. Your ultimate goal is to make sure your readers (agents, editors, and beyond) are into your work immediately. Katie will guide you, utilizing her knowledge and experience, on what makes impressive first pages to readers.

Enter the Short Short Story Competition!

We’re looking for short fiction stories! Think you can write a winning story in 1,500 words or less? Enter the 24th Annual Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition for your chance to win $3,000 in cash, get published in Writer’s Digest magazine, and a paid trip to our ever-popular Writer’s Digest Conference!


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