Expert Insights on Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy
Writer’s Digest University is pleased to present a one-of-a-kind online event for science fiction and fantasy writers, plus more from Writer’s Digest!
Writer’s Digest University is pleased to present a one-of-a-kind online event for science fiction and fantasy writers!
On August 23 - 25, 2024, our WDU Annual Science Fiction & Fantasy Virtual Conference will provide expert insights from seven award-winning and bestselling authors on the finer points of how to write within the science fiction and fantasy genres. Spend the weekend learning techniques for honing your craft from seven different published authors, then (if you choose) pitch your novel via query letter to a literary agent specifically looking for material in these genres. The agent will provide you with a personalized critique of your query—and maybe ask to see more.
Register for the 2024 Writer's Digest Annual Conference!
Writer's Digest Annual Conference is excited to meet in person this October in the home town of Writer's Digest!
Writer's Digest Annual Conference offers everything you need to advance your writing career creatively and professionally. Gain invaluable tips to improve your craft, explore publishing options and learn how to establish a sustainable career—all while being inspired by successful authors and your fellow attendees. It’s all brought to you by Writer’s Digest, the experts at nurturing and developing writers at every stage of their career for over 100 years.
Submit to "Your Story" For Your Chance at Publication!
Write a drabble—a short story of exactly 100 words—based on the photo prompt at the link below. You can be funny, poignant, witty, etc.; it is, after all, your story.
Watch more than 400 expert writing tutorials!
With a growing catalog of instructional writing videos available instantly, we have writing instruction on everything from improving your craft to getting published and finding an audience. New videos are added every month!