Finding Your Voice as a Writer and Documentary Films Making Waves at Tribeca Film Festival (From Script)

In this week’s round-up brought to us by, exclusive interviews with documentary filmmakers behind Lady Boss: The Jackie Collins Story and No Ordinary Life, and expert advice from Dr. Format on conveying camera direction in screenplays. Plus, interviews with horror-comedy film Werewolves Within screenwriter Mishna Wolff and director Josh Ruben, and much more!

In this week’s round-up brought to us by, exclusive interviews with documentary filmmakers behind Lady Boss: The Jackie Collins Story and No Ordinary Life, and expert advice from Dr. Format on conveying camera direction in screenplays. Plus, interviews with horror-comedy film Werewolves Within screenwriter Mishna Wolff and director Josh Ruben, and much more!

UNDERSTANDING SCREENWRITING: Tom Sees You Two Taylor Sheridans and Raises You a Brad Ingelsby

Mare of Easttown, HBO

Tom Stempel reviews two Taylor Sheridan films, Tom Clancy's Without Remorse and Those Who Wish Me Dead, and Brad Ingelsby's Mare of Easttown.

TRUE INDIE: Breaking in Remotely—Interview with Screenwriter Amie Charney, Harlequin Creator Fund Recipient

Screenwriter Amie Charney

Hoping to break into screenwriting from outside L.A.? Script contributor Rebecca Norris chats with screenwriter Amie Charney, the first recipient of the Harlequin Creator Fund for television writing, about developing her pilot with Harlequin and eOne, breaking in remotely from San Antonio, and why it's never too late to chase your dreams.

ASK DR. FORMAT: Directing the Camera Without Using Camera Directions

Dave Trottier, Dr. Format, shares advice on how to convey camera direction in your script, without writing camera direction.

The Making of an Icon Lady Boss: The Jackie Collins Story

Photo courtesy AGC Studios

“I loved the idea of making a film that could intertwine fact and fictional storytelling, and through the spinning together of the two, arrive at an authentic portrait of a woman who often shared her most private self in her fictional writing.” —Laura Fairrie

PART I: What Is the Writer’s Voice, And Why Is It Important?

In this three-part series, TV writer/screenwriter Aadip Desai, will dig into the concept of a writer’s voice and see if he can make more sense of it for all of us. Of course, this applies most to emerging writers (not young) and those who have broken in but are still developing their voices.

Horror Screenwriters on the Verge Spotlights Screenwriter Jeremiah Lewis

In this new column, Script contributor Nanea Taylor speaks with up-and-coming horror screenwriters about their writing process, what projects they are currently working on, and shares some insider tips of the trade.

Sitting Around the Campfire with Werewolves Within Screenwriter Mishna Wolff and Director Josh Ruben

(Left to right) Catherine Curtin as “Jeanine Sherman,” Milana Vayntrub as “Cecily Moore,” Harvey Guillen as “Joachim Wolfson,” Cheyenne Jackson as “Devon Wolfson,” George Basil as “Marcus,” Sarah Burns as “Gwen,” and Sam Richardson as “Finn Wheeler” Josh Ruben’s WEREWOLVES WITHIN. Courtesy of Sabrina Lantos. WEREWOLVES WITHIN is an IFC Films Release.

In this double-header, Script's editor Sadie Dean speaks with both screenwriter Mishna Wolff and director Josh Ruben, the creative duo behind the pleasantly hilarious, coolly stylized jump-scare, whodunit horror film Werewolves Within.

Defining History No Ordinary Life Interview With Documentary Filmmaker Heather O’Neill

No Ordinary Life. Photo courtesy Array Films.

"Cynde, Maria, Jane, Mary, and Margaret took the images that defined history for their generation, yet their own stories have not been told, until now. The shifting scenes between the inhumanity and beauty they filmed, woven with their moments of humor, illustrate how they tried to cope with all they were witnessing. The wars and crises they covered produced images that can be difficult to watch, so I strived to create a balance of stories and images." —Heather O'Neill