Free Writing Downloads

Plot Development: Charts and Tips for Outlining and Plotting a Novel10 Situation Starters to Beat Writer’s BlockFree Guide to Revision Techniques for WritersTips on Avoiding Amateur Writing MistakesNaNoWriMo Week 2…

Writer's Digest is proud to provide the following FREE writing exercises and downloads to aspiring novelists, short story writers and general hobbyists who grace the modern scroll with proverbial ink. Browse the free downloads for writers below and join the Writer's Digest community!

Plot development can be one of the greatest challenges when you're working on writing a novel. If you're plotting a novel, these plot development charts and tips will help you with writing plot structure, outlining and more. Read More . . .

Whether you are writing your first novel or your hundredth, writer's block can hit even the most accomplished writer from time to time. Tips for writer's block come in all forms, but the best way we've found to overcome is to dive right into a writing exercise. Read More . . .

Writing is hard, but sometimes editing your novel can be even harder. This free printable list of the most common copy editing marks will help make your editing and revising process easier. Read More . . .

Don't let these easy-to-avoid mistakes ruin your writing. Get help writing a book with tips from James V. Smith, Jr. and avoid the most common mistakes. When it comes time for writing, be sure you grab a copy of this free download first.
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Writing 50,000 words in a month is a huge accomplishment, but it may not feel that way sometimes. Some days are easy, while others are hard, especially when writer's block hits. When it does, we want you to be armed with writing prompts that are sure to get you back on track. Check out this free download for 10 great novel writing prompts to spark your creativity. Read More . . .

Whether you are participating in NaNoWriMo or not, having your characters planned out is important. By having all your character details sorted out, you'll save valuable time writing by turning to the sheet (instead of your memory) for details. Hit your daily word count with the help of this essential free guide. Read More . . .

In this free download we'll uncover 10 writing and grammar rules that are actually myths. From a vs. an to whether to use a new agents, we'll help you figure out the right time to break the rules.

Travel writing is an excellent way to get paid to travel, but there are write and wrong ways to go about writing. In this free download we outline the top three tips for travel writers, plus give you 10 writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing.

In this free download you'll discover quick inspiration for effective time management. Learn about setting realistic deadlines, creating a writing schedule, and get tips for dealing with the "I Don't Have Enough Time" dilemma.

Anyone can sit down and start writing fiction, but not everyone can sit down and start writing good fiction. With this FREE download, you'll learn 26 key elements of fiction that all authors need to know.

Learn how the publishing industry works, why you need to know about it and how you can play an influential role in your writing career and your book's success thanks to this free, step-by-step guide to the publishing process!

The definition of plagiarism, according to, is “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own”. U.S. Copyright Law takes a hard anti-plagiarism stance and consequences range from embarrassment to getting expelled or fired to lawsuits and large financial settlements. Learn more before it's too late!
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In this FREE download, Nina Amir shares with you the 8 questions you need to answer if you're serious about turning your blog into a book. You already know how to start a blog, now you just need to take the next step, check out this FREE download and get published today!
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In this FREE digital download, you'll receive the 5 Worst Article Endings You Need to Avoid (& How to Fix Them) when delivering freelance content. These endings are too common in bad writing and, by learning them, you will be able to recognize—and rewrite—them to make your freelance writing better and more marketable. And the best part: This advice is completely FREE for you to download!
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In this FREE digital download, you'll get tips and advice on how to cultivate a tight, well-rehearsed pitch so you never waste an opportunity again. Whether you're pitching to New York or London literary agents, children's or Christian literary agents, top ranking or new literary agents, or any kind of literary agent, learn how to craft a few key sentences to give yourself the best chance.
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In this FREE online download, you'll learn the difference between omniscient and limited point of view, how they work and when is the best time to use variances of each. Filled with examples to help give you a full picture of how the different points of view in literature work, this download will help you understand the value in picking the point of view that's best for your book.
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In this FREE digital download, you'll receive 8 narrative writing prompts designed to help you work on your story writing skills and narrative techniques. These prompts will help you story board, allow you to practice your narrative paragraph writing and structure, and give you opportunities to write stories that are entertaining!
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In this FREE online download, you'll get the inside scoop on the key elements of writing and publishing children's books. These answers to 9 of the most frequently asked questions are designed to be to the point and easy to digest (think of it like a how to write a children's book for dummies, only shorter and geared for writers who don't consider themselves dummies!).
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In this FREE online download, you'll get the grammar help you need (or, at least, a refresher of rules you already know) to keep you from looking amateurish. Whether you're debating splitting your infinitives or trying to decide if it's OK to end your sentences in prepositions, this grammar grab-bag offers up the inside scoop on some of the basic rules of grammar while also giving you a nuts-and-bolts breakdown of what you can and can't do when writing your stories.
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Introduce your main character the right way in order to make sure your readers feel attached to your lead and stick with your story. In this FREE download, you'll get the inside scoop on the key things to consider when revealing your main character for the first time. You'll learn why that first impression is so important and what you need to consider before starting your manuscript with a prologue instead of starting with Chapter 1. You'll also get some advice on how to handle secondary characters and how fictional character development can really set OK novels apart from great ones.
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In this FREE writing download, aspiring novelists will learn eight of the most important lessons in writing the perfect Chapter One. Writers gain novel writing tips and advice on how to choose the most natural starting point for a story, thus making it easier for the story to unfold itself. Learning how to write a novel (at least how to get it started) has never been easier, and the best part is it's completely free to download!
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Looking for FREE writing prompts? How does two weeks worth of top-notch writing prompts designed to spark your imagination and push your writing to new limits sound? This free writing download offers everything from fiction writing prompts to poem starters to short stories ideas. Generating creative story ideas for imaginative narratives has never been easier than with the writing prompts in The Writing Prompt Boot Camp. What are you waiting for? Download this two-week boot camp of writing prompts instantly!
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