How to Craft Query Letters & Other Submission Materials

Authors who get rejected tend to fall in one of two categories when submitting materials: they try too hard, or not enough. Streamline your submission materials to stand out in a good way, plus more from Writer’s Digest!

When your submission materials—a query letter, synopsis, manuscript, or book proposal—arrive in an agent's inbox, they land among hundreds of others. At that point, one of two things will happen. Either the agent (or the agent’s assistant) will like the submission and request more materials, or they will reply with a rejection.

Authors who get rejected tend to fall in one of two categories when submitting materials: they try too hard, or not enough. This Writer’s Digest Boot Camp is designed to help you streamline your submission materials to stand out in a good way.

Last Chance to Register for the Romance Writing Virtual Conference!

Writer’s Digest University is pleased to present a one-of-a-kind online event for romance writers! On February 16-18, 2024, our WDU Romance Writing Virtual Conference will provide expert insights from SEVEN award-winning and bestselling authors on the finer points of how to write within the romance genre. Spend the day learning techniques for honing your craft from seven different published authors, then (if you choose) pitch your novel via query letter to a literary agent specifically looking for material in the romance genre. The agent will provide you with a personalized critique of your query—and maybe ask to see more.

Writer's Digest March/April 2024 Cover Reveal

Whether fiction or narrative nonfiction, characters are a critical part of every story. But that doesn’t mean everyone agrees on how to create those characters or what a character needs to be in order to draw readers in. Do they need to be likable or is compelling enough? Should writers know their characters inside out, or just what’s going to be necessary for the story? In this issue of Writer’s Digest, writers will learn techniques for creating characters for novels, a series, memoir, and more.