How to Use Symbols and Allegory to Add Richness and Depth to Your Writing

Add thematic heft by integrating symbolic imagery, atmospheric descriptions, and visual and word allegories, plus more from Writer’s Digest!

When you feel as if your prose is flat or banal, try upping your writing game by focusing on themes.

Converting abstract concepts into concrete examples resonates with readers by getting them thinking and reflecting on their lives and beliefs. This webinar analyzes strategies to add thematic heft by integrating symbolic imagery, atmospheric descriptions, and visual and word allegories. This live webinar includes time for questions.

Register for the 3rd Annual Nonfiction Writing Virtual Conference!

Writer’s Digest University is pleased to present a one-of-a-kind online event for Nonfiction writers! On November 16, 2024, our WDU Nonfiction Writing Virtual Conference will provide expert insights from Gina Barreca, Gina Demillo Wagner, and two other bestselling nonfiction authors. Spend the day learning techniques for honing your craft, then optionally receive a personalized critique of your query letter or pitch for a magazine/web article from a participating literary agent.

Join Us In Italy!

Writers from around the world and throughout the centuries have found inspiration from the beauty of Florence and the surrounding Tuscan countryside. Now, you can be one of them!